Year 3. Session 5. Week 5.

Year 3. Session 5. Week 4.

Year 3. Session 5. Week 3.

Year 3. Session 5. Week 2.

Year 3. Session 5. Week 1.

Year 3. Session 4. Weeks 5 & 6

Year 3. Session 4. Week 4

Year 3. Session 4. Weeks 2 & 3.

Battling breaks and weather, the Discovery Eagles kept working hard through Weeks 2 & 3!

Year 3. Session 4. Week 1

Rested and refreshed from Winter Break, the Discovery Eagles arrived back on campus ready to tackle the challenges ahead of them in Session 4.

Year 3. Session 3. Final Week 3.

The Eagles were hard at work in Week 4 continuing their momentum they’ve built this session. All of that effort, persistance and growth will be on full display next week at the Discovery Studio Exhibition of Learning!