Year 3. Session 6. Week 3.

In keeping with their focus trait, perseverance, the Eagles re-attempted a challenge that the group previously experienced failure with. Let’s take a look at how they tackled the “Tarp Challenge!”

Core Skills

In addition to their Core Skills badges, many of the Eagles have been working on their Rock Climbing Field badges so that they can be adequately prepared for their upcoming outdoor rock climbing trip.


What is the internet? If you were to be part of helping the internet spread across the globe, would you rather be on the programming side and working with code from a computer, or would you rather be on the physical side and engineering and laying the cables on the ocean floor? These are a few of the questions the Eagles discussed with each other before working on their self-determined SMART goals for their coding programs.

Writers’ Workshop and Word World (W.W.)

This week in WW, the Eagles began writing the first drafts of their letters to their heroes. They used many tools such as their brainstorming sheets, previous research, and prior knowledge of how to write a formal letter. 

Art – Civilization – Physical Development (P.D.)

For Art, the Eagles strived for excellence as they made changes and improvements to their self-created instruments. Those who finished formed bands to join their creative forces in order to create new rhythms and even entire songs. 

In Civilization this week, the Eagles first traveled to Africa to learn about the Zulu Kingdom. 

After warming up, the Eagles continued to work on their kickball skills with their PD coaches.

Stay tuned to see what challenges the Eagles tackle next week!