Year 3. Session 6. Week 2.

This session’s focus trait is perseverance, and this week the Eagles focused on how to persevere through relationships using open dialogue and feedback. A few Eagles led discussions on this topic, including how to give feedback to an adult if you are a child.

Core Skills

This session, the Eagles have the option in the morning to work on Silent Core Skills or Campus Care. Additionally, they have the opportunity in Campus Care to work with new tools such as drills, a trim nailer, and weed eaters.


When making choices online, do you think it’s better to use logic or do you think it’s better to use emotion? The Eagles shared their viewpoints on this question when discussing how to remain safe online. With clearer boundaries of how to judge different content online, the Eagles jumped back into their online programs to continue their exploration of the world of coding. Then the Eagles completed their “unplugged activity” where some of them became robotic friends while some of them were the programmers as they attempted to complete various tasks. 

Writers’ Workshop and Word World (W.W.)

For W. W. this week, the Eagles went on a “SOLE,” which stands for “self-organized learning environment.” The Eagles worked together in self-selected groups to answer a few big questions: what are the structural elements of a formal letter, and what five best practices of letter writing would you recommend to someone who has never written a letter? The Eagles then drafted letters using the guidelines they found in their research. 

Art – Civilization – Physical Development (P.D.)

For Art, the Eagles explored the role of instruments in music. Do you need instruments to make music? What constitutes an instrument? Can an instrument be made from anything? They then turned cups into instruments to create different sound patterns before moving to creating their own instruments from recycled materials. 

In Civilization, the Eagles read about Simon Bolivar, and put themselves in the position of being the King of Spain to decide if they would only allow those born in Spain to hold powerful positions to honor the land, or if they would allow everyone to hold such positions to give a more diverse selection of leaders. The Eagles then traveled to Mexico as they learned how even though South America was free it could not unite.

For PD, the Eagles joined their Peak coaches in a few rounds of Sharks and Minnows and Kickball.

The Eagles discussed different strategies to more effectively hold to their guardrails. The topic of how to keep an efficient and safe pick up line was brought up in their Town Hall. Additionally, the Eagles requested a launch on sportsmanship and discussed how to handle both exciting and disappointing situations during games. Stay tuned to see how these changes impact the remainder of the session.