Year 2. Session 3. Week 1.

Does happiness make you grateful or does gratefulness make you happy?

As the Eagles return from break, the focus this short session shifts to gratitude! After doing some research on the impact of gratitude, the Eagles learned that there are four main impacts of gratitude:

Gratitude opens the door to more relationships.
Gratitude improves physical health.
Grateful people sleep better.
Gratitude improves self-esteem.

Throughout these next three weeks, the Eagles will reflect on various aspects of gratitude bringing positivity, energy and awareness to their lives inside and outside of the studio.

Year 2. Session 2. Week 3.

“What is the most challenging thing you have ever done that you are proud of?”

Session Two continued on with a renewed focus on intentionality as the Eagles discussed various times when they found themselves working in their challenge zones while at school. This theme cropped up throughout the week to bring attention back to intentionality during Core Skills, Quest, Writers’ Workshop and Art.

Year 2. Session 2. Weeks 1 & 2.

The Eagles started this Session by welcoming three new heroes to their tribe. New squads were formed to equip each Eagle with a core group of Fellow Travelers to assist them on their journey throughout the session. The new squads began bonding by creating names for their group during Squad Game Time, resulting in: The Falcons, The Koalas, The Red Pandas, The Eagles and The Seahawks!

Year 2. Session 1. Week 5.

This week the Eagles continued their hard work on Game Design Quest! Play testing each other’s games, Eagle practiced giving critiques and working together to strive for excellence. Those who finished their board games moved on to this quest’s bonus challenge: designing video games. Next week the Eagles gear up for their Game Expo at the Exhibition! 

Year 2. Session 1. Week 4

This week the Eagles continued their hard work on Game Design Quest! Play testing each other’s games, Eagle practiced giving critiques and working together to strive for excellence. Those who finished their board games moved on to this quest’s bonus challenge: designing video games. Next week the Eagles gear up for their Game Expo at the Exhibition! 

Year 2. Session 1. Week 2

The Eagles continued strengthening their tribe as they hit the ground running in week two. This week saw the heroes navigate team building challenges as an entire studio and in squads, the launch of Writers’ Workshop, and the introduction of important systems that will guide them towards creating a fully learner-driven environment.

Year 2. Session 1. Week 1

After more than six months of uncertainty, cautious anticipation, and planning… We are back for Year 2! While nerves were present as the Eagles entered their studio virtually and in person, there was a powerful sense of overwhelming joy. Seeing each other again, and meeting new Fellow Travelers for the first time, it didn’t take long for these young heroes to begin forming what is bound to be a strong tribe.

Mid Session 7: Opportunity for Growth and Independence

The current situation provides many challenges. However, alongside these real struggles is the opportunity for growth. One of our parents recently shared a quote with us that perfectly summarizes our rallying cry.

Year 1. Session 7. Week 1

Week 1 of Session 7 also marks nine weeks of Distance Learning. During our Town Hall Meeting this week, after sharing some struggles and ways to improve our community, a learner shared that she is struggling to continue working and being engaged from a distance.

Year 1. Session 6. Week 6

At Ascent, every session launches and lands a different “learning arc.” This session’s arc was launched with a Personal Passions Quest that sent Eagles on a journey to discover hidden talents, or to further develop their known gifts and skill sets.