Year 3. Session 6. Week 4.

This session has been all about discussing the differences between robots and humans as the Eagles consider their overarching question of the year: What does it mean to be human? This week, the Eagles specifically considered and discussed the following: Do you think that as a human child you are building yourself through your experiences or getting to know yourself through the choices you make?

In Core Skills this week, a few Eagles earned their Rock Climbing badges! To earn this badge, Eagles need to complete a number of challenges, including tying various knots, building hand strength, and researching popular climbing locations and heroes.

In Quest, the Eagles explored the “if/then” and “true/false” concept in programming called a conditional. They played a few programming games where they developed what would happen using their own conditionals before jumping back into their coding programs. 

In Writers’ Workshop and Word World, the Eagles revisited the drafts they wrote last week with an eye for excellence. They supported each other in considering what they could add or remove to make each letter the best they have ever written. 

For Art, the Eagles put some final touches on their instruments made of recycled materials. They continued to practice songs and rhythms with their bands after discussing what criteria was needed to make a good song. 

In Civilization, the Eagles returned to America and read about the Indian Removal Act. They debated a tough topic: If you were a U.S. soldier during this time, do you obey orders to put Native Americans into camps, or refuse and be dishonorably discharged from the army?

For Physical Development, the Eagles tried out Banana Tag after they worked on their kickball skills. A few Eagles have also been working on beating a world record for the most basketballs in one hoop. They just need one more basketball to break the record!

At the end of each day, the Eagles work on Studio Maintenance together to reset their space for the following day. This week, the Eagles have been experimenting with different ways to accomplish this goal. Stay tuned to see what method they choose to utilize moving forward.