Year 3. Session 5. Week 5.

With only two weeks of the session remaining, the Eagles worked hard to stay organized as they put the final touches on their different projects.

Core Skills

There were more badges earned this week than any other week this session. Some Eagles celebrated their very first Learning To Be badge, while others completed a few Peak badges.


The Eagles have put a lot of time and thought into their butterfly garden designs. This week, the tribe looked at all of the submitted butterfly garden designs and voted on which one they feel would best fit their campus.

Writers’ Workshop and Word World

The Writers’ Workshop Eagles examined if it is more important for language rules to reflect the needs of speakers (meaning descriptivism), or for speakers to adapt to language rules (meaning prescriptivism). They then used their conclusions to help inform their suggestions to one another when they formed multiple Communities of Editors. 

The Word World Eagles revisited letter writing this week. They had an open ended challenge to write a letter to anyone who has impacted them in some way. First they let their ideas flow by writing down whatever came to them during a silent 10 minutes. Then the Eagles began writing letters to friends, parents, guides, and even pets.

Art – Civilization – Physical Development (P.D.)

The Discovery Eagles have focused on script writing, acting, scene selection, film editing, special effects, and so much more during art this session. This week, they had the option to put any final touches on their existing films or create a brand new film. 

During PD, the Eagles chose to focus on sportsmanship as they engaged in a few intense rounds of “Battle Ball.” Then the Eagles played a few different versions of the game tag such as “Link Tag” and “Octopus Tag.”

For Civilization, the Eagles put themselves in the shoes of Toussaint L’Ouverture as they read about how Haiti claimed its independence from France. They then imagined they were members of Parliament in the factory era and considered the following question:

What issue is most important to you when trying to create laws that protect workers?

  • The age at which children can work (If so, how old?)
  • How long the work days should be (if so, how long?), or
  • Treatment at work (If so, which issue? No bathroom breaks, minimal time to eat?)

Next week, the Eagles will host their Exhibition of Learning where they will showcase their films and their Entomology Quest work!