Explore Year 5. Session 2. Week 3.

Explorers started this cold week off by warming up their minds and bodies through socratic discussions in the studio and playful movement around campus.


This week in the E-Ship Build A Business Quest the learners in Explore conducted market research and used the Studio Bucks they earned from completing previous challenges to purchase materials from the Quest Depot to creatively construct branding and signage for their lemonade stands. The learners in Discovery supported Explorers with their market research. Explorers conducted blind taste tests and surveys about what participants would pay for their product, then reflected on if the information they received was sufficient enough to base their business decisions on. They also spent time in the Discovery studio to support the Discovery learners with their market research!


Explorers exhibited lots of enthusiasm for PD this week and engaged in many forms of teamwork. They participated in circuit training, a tic-tac-toe relay race, and an animated game of capture the flag. The learners in Explore circled up after PD to give each other call outs and celebrated each others’ determination, hard work, and growth mindset attitudes.


In Writers’ Workshop this week, Explorers discussed the elements of a good pitch. They co-authored a pitch to persuade the Ascent guides to give them 15 more minutes of free time after lunch, as well as wrote individual pitches about why they should be able create the schedule for a day. Explorers voted on which one of their pitches included all the elements of a good pitch and was the most persuasive.

The learners in Explore reflected on how well they have been following their studio contract, and rose to many challenges this week with a growth mindset and supported each other with finding focus.

For more from Session 2 Week 3, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 3 photos & videos

Explore Year 5. Session 2. Week 2.

This week in Explore, Explorers spent time reflecting on goal setting, finding focus, and giving feedback, while finding flow and enjoyment in their week.


This week in Quest, the learners in Explore made progress with their businesses. They participated in a blind taste test and reflected on how a business’ image can influence customer decisions. Explorers researched Heroes in entrepreneurship and created business logos, earning Studio Bucks for each complete challenge. Then, they used their Studio Bucks to purchase materials from the Quest Depot to make swag, like t-shirts and water bottles.


Explorers returned to the yurt to imagine what life was like in Britain during the Middle Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. They considered what they would have done if they lived during the dark ages in England and whether they would have welcomed the Anglo-Saxons or if they would have moved North to preserve their customs. The learners in Explore read about the story of Beowulf and discussed what types values they would instill in their children versus the values that were passed down during medieval Britain. They continued writing in their Civilization Journals about what a day in their life would look like if they lived during this time, adding to their own story of the world.


This week in art, Explorers created value scales to understand how lightness and darkness affects a painting. The learners in Explore practiced giving kind, specific, and honest feedback about each others’ color wheels and value scales during Portfolio Reviews at the end of the week.

The learners in Explore spent a Work Cycle at the Downtown branch of the Austin Public Library for their Friday outing. They expressed enjoyment about being able to leave campus and explore the 2nd floor of the library.


For more from Session 2 Week 2, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 2 photos & videos

Explore Year 5. Session 2. Week 1.


Explorers kicked off week 1 of Session 2 full of excitement! They expressed that they were excited to enjoy their first Quest of the year.


The learners in Explore started their first Quest of the year, E-ship Build A Business Quest. Their challenge is to create their own lemonade and snack stand that will culminate in a business “stand-off”. Each team started with an investment of $3 Studio Bucks, with the opportunity to earn more Studio Bucks as they complete challenges together. Explorers can use their Studio Bucks to buy or rent materials from the “Quest Depot”. On Friday, a Hero in entrepreneurship visited the Explore Studio and shared her journey as an entrepreneur.



The Explorers began training for the PD Olympics this week. They enthusiastically cycled through circuit training, including wall-sits, planks, sit-ups, and more. At the end of the session they will complete a series of drills and set benchmarks that they will try to beat at the end of the year!


Explorers began exploring the world of color by creating their own color wheels using only primary colors. They carefully mixed the paints together to create secondary and tertiary colors.


Explorers spent time in the yurt, and read about what it would be like to travel to the Roman Empire on a magic carpet. They discussed what they would do if they were the emperors of Rome or if they had ruled one of the countries that had been conquered by Rome. They also began working on their own history of the world by writing about what it would be like to live in the Roman Empire from their own perspective in their Civilization journals.


On Thursday, Explorers had their first off-campus work cycle at the Windsor Park Library! They enjoyed flowing into their work while sitting together on bean bags in the peaceful environment.


Week 1 of Session 2 was full of fun and hard work. Explorers voted on leaders in their studio, held Town Hall, and took time to practice mindfulness. To conclude the week, Explorers hiked along the Barton Creek Trail for their Friday outing.

For more from Session 2 Week 1, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 1 photos & videos

Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 5.


This week in Explore started with 360 Feedback, an opportunity for every learner to give and receive feedback about their choices in Session 1. After earning the freedom to choose where they sit, the learners in Explore discussed how to ensure that they stay focused during their work cycles, and collectively created new guardrails to support them in their daily goals.



The learners in Explore continued honing their skills as artists this week. They quickly got into flow while they worked toward completing their self-portraits.


This week in Writer’s Workshop, the learners in Explore revised and edited their biography drafts. Some Heroes completed their biographies and created original art for their covers, while other Heroes committed to publish their biographies in week 1 of Session 2.


Explorers concluded Session 1 with their first Showcase of the year. They shared reflections about their Big Wins and what challenged them in Session 1. At the end of the showcase, Explorers proudly signed their Studio Contract and Rules of Engagement in front of their guests.

In week 5 of Session 1, the learners in Explore read letters that they wrote to themselves in Week 1. They reflected on how they felt then and how they feel now, and the goals they had hoped to achieve this session. They ended the session with an all-campus dance party and the first Badge Ceremony of the year.

For more photos from Session 1 Week 5, click here: Session 1, Week 5 Photos

Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 4.

The learners in Explore started Week 4 with a morning walk through the orchard, followed by a Socratic Discussion where they reflected on their seeds of potential. They discussed ways they can nurture and grow their potential, and how they can support their fellow travelers.


This week in Explore, the learners focused on setting SMART goals for Work Cycles and reflected on Session 1. They set a group SMART Goal to earn the freedom to choose their seats in the studio by Monday 10/2. They determined that they will earn the freedom by respecting silent Work Cycle, by staying in their seat unless getting up is part of self care, and by not distracting themselves or others. Explorers also continued preparing for their Session 1 Showcase next week.


This week in art, Explorers made progress on creating their self-portraits. Learners found flow as they started to add details to their work and cover the entire canvas. They used mixed media such as charcoal, markers, crayons, and magazine clippings, each embracing the uniqueness of the artist and subject.


This week in Writer’s Workshop, Explorers were very focused on making progress in their biographies. The studio felt calm and peaceful as each learner focused intently on writing a hook that will draw the reader in. After writing a captivating hook, they introduced their Heroes with details about their lives and accomplishments. Some began peer reviewing their work to get a new perspective.

In preparation for their Showcase next week, the Explorers took on the roles of Heroes, dressing up and presenting their Hero’s Journeys. They continued to find joy in free time games and kickball during PD. At the end of this week, Explorers finalized their studio contract and voted on the promises they are committed to uphold this year.

Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 3

Explorers kicked off Week 3 with a trust walk, taking turns guiding their blindfolded partner safely through the orchard. Then they reflected on how to be open to building trust, active listening, and moving forward with their Fellow Travelers to achieve their individual and studio goals. They continued working on their self-portraits and learned techniques that will support them in their process. The learners in Explore held Town Hall and reached consensus to find solutions to challenges in the studio, as well as agreed to add more promises to their studio contract such as “Promising to be honest with others” and to “Learning from failure and never giving up.”


This week, the writers in Explore investigated the differences between paraphrasing and plagiarism before embarking on researching the Hero they each chose to write a biography about.  They began creating a bibliography to keep track of the sources where they discovered new information about their Hero, which will support them as they continue to work on writing their biographies.


Explorers returned to a team-building game where they worked together to write a word using a pen that was attached to as many ropes as there were learners. Each Explorer held onto the end of a rope and they moved in unison to write the word on a piece of paper. They experimented with different strategies and challenges such as attempting to successfully write a word in silence, selecting one Explorer to lead the group, and allowing everyone to share their ideas about what to do next. Explorers reflected on feelings of apathy and use of Fixed Mindset language when they felt like giving up on the challenge. They seized the opportunity to re-frame their approach to a Growth Mindset, and found value in taking on tough challenges. The learners in Explore were determined to work together to improve, celebrating when they wrote legibly and finding joy in their mistakes.


This week, Explorers continued to build on their abilities together in PD. In Week 1, they began playing a game that challenged them to stand in a circle while balancing tall poles, moving to their right or left without letting the poles fall. They enthusiastically took on this challenge during Week 2 and Week 3 by working together and actively listening. During Week 2, Explorers were challenged to get two poles across the field with a few restrictions: the poles could not fall to the ground, only one learner could be touching each pole a time, and each learner needed to touch each pole at least one time between one side of the field and the other. In Week 2, Explorers attempted many strategies but were unable to complete the challenge in the allotted time. This week, Explorers made another attempt and successfully completed the challenge by listening to each others’ ideas and trying a few different methods!


This week in Explore, learners participated in their first Portfolio Review by reviewing self-portraits. Using a template, Explorers recorded what they observed about the subject on the canvas, how the work was organized, and decided if the work was successful or not. They practiced giving clear, specific feedback to support the artist in improving their work. Portfolio Reviews will be a weekly practice for reviewing work in Quest, Art, Writers’ Workshop and more.

Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 2.

The Heroes in Explore began Week 2 by completing the Film Fest. They overcame challenges that required the community to come together to hear each others ideas to create a video that everyone felt proud of. SMART goals were introduced to support learners with taking steps toward their goals for the week, session, and beyond. The learners in Explore made big decisions for their community through the Contract Game and introduction of Town Hall.


This week in Explore, the learners began using technology to support their learning. After understanding technology safety, becoming familiar with passwords, and reviewing the Badge Plan, the learners began setting SMART goals. Once daily SMART goals were completed, the learners took their first steps to achieve them. The learners in Explore set their expectations for Work Cycles by determining how Work Cycles would look and feel. At the end of each Work Cycle, learners reflected on how the Work Cycle compared to their expectations as a community. After that, the learners reflected on their individual SMART Goals.


This week, the learners in Explore began taking steps toward creating the promises they will commit to through the Contract Game. Each day for the remainder of Session 1, the learners will focus on a few promises at a time. They will practice the promises, support one another with upholding them, and celebrate moments when each promise is practiced successfully. After two or three days of practice, learners in Explore will vote to add the promise to the Contract or to remove it. The Rules of Engagement for Socratic Discussions were also created by the learners in Explore after talking through the possible promises and adding new ones. One new line that was added by the learners is “I will leave distractions outside of group.”


This week, the writers in Explore were introduced to Session 1 Writer’s Workshop, Biographies. Each writer began research on multiple Heroes who have changed the world. After completing a short deep dive on two or three Heroes, the writers determined who they will honor with a biography this session. They then went on to research the Heroes and gather details to include in their first drafts.


This week in art, the learners in Explore were introduced to their focus for Session 1, self-portraits. They began their journey of self-discovery through brainstorming what parts of themselves they would like to portray in a self-portrait. They completed contour drawing exercises and learned about the life of Frida Kahlo, who used self-portraits to express how she saw the world. The artists photographed portraits of each other to support them with their art work this session.

Week 2 brought about more excitement and ownership through decision making in SMART Goals, Town Hall, and defining systems in the community. The learners in Explore continued to build their communication and team building skills through games in Physical Development that required input from every learner. The steps taken this week are building blocks to the creation of a Contract and community that will support a thriving culture.

Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 1.

The Heroes in the Explore Studio started the year with enthusiasm and curiosity. New and familiar faces started bonding through common interests and team building games. The space came to life as shoes lined the entry, lunch boxes found their place, and Heroes noticed pennants and bins labeled with their names on them.


During Week 1, learners in Explore began their time together by getting to know one another through team building games. Starting with Ascent Explorer BINGO, learners were encouraged to mark their BINGO spaces with the signature of a fellow learner who agreed with the statement in the space. They were quickly introduced to the the first team challenge of the year, Film Fest. The learners in Explore chose to do a Lip Dub, quickly agreed on a song, and began memorizing lyrics and choreographing dance moves. They rehearsed, reviewed, and made adjustments to the Lip Dub throughout the week. On Friday, the learners worked through challenges and practiced Growth Mindset to work toward solutions for the Lip Dub. Many laughs were had over games like “All My Neighbors” and “Telestrations.” The learners in Explore found rest in movement through yoga and reading.


This week, learners in Explore spent time learning about the systems in their studio, including Freedoms and Responsibilities, Provisional Contract Creation, The Hero’s Journey, and Safety Protocols. One foundation of life at Ascent is a balance between freedoms and responsibilities. In order to measure this, Explore learners defined actions that are associated with earning each freedom. For example, in order to earn the freedom to choose a seat in group, learners must follow the Rules of Engagement and have less than 2 Resets per group over a 4 day period. Not only did they define actions associated to the Freedom & Responsibilities scale, they also created a Provisional Contract that will support the studio until they create and sign their permanent contract at the end of Session 1.

Week 1 introduced new friendships and lunch time games that were enjoyed by the entire studio. New systems and responsibilities were introduced between challenges that put them into practice. The learners in Explore got comfortable sharing their ideas in group discussions, and created a strong foundation that they will continue to build throughout Session 1 and beyond.