Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 2.

The Heroes in Explore began Week 2 by completing the Film Fest. They overcame challenges that required the community to come together to hear each others ideas to create a video that everyone felt proud of. SMART goals were introduced to support learners with taking steps toward their goals for the week, session, and beyond. The learners in Explore made big decisions for their community through the Contract Game and introduction of Town Hall.


This week in Explore, the learners began using technology to support their learning. After understanding technology safety, becoming familiar with passwords, and reviewing the Badge Plan, the learners began setting SMART goals. Once daily SMART goals were completed, the learners took their first steps to achieve them. The learners in Explore set their expectations for Work Cycles by determining how Work Cycles would look and feel. At the end of each Work Cycle, learners reflected on how the Work Cycle compared to their expectations as a community. After that, the learners reflected on their individual SMART Goals.


This week, the learners in Explore began taking steps toward creating the promises they will commit to through the Contract Game. Each day for the remainder of Session 1, the learners will focus on a few promises at a time. They will practice the promises, support one another with upholding them, and celebrate moments when each promise is practiced successfully. After two or three days of practice, learners in Explore will vote to add the promise to the Contract or to remove it. The Rules of Engagement for Socratic Discussions were also created by the learners in Explore after talking through the possible promises and adding new ones. One new line that was added by the learners is “I will leave distractions outside of group.”


This week, the writers in Explore were introduced to Session 1 Writer’s Workshop, Biographies. Each writer began research on multiple Heroes who have changed the world. After completing a short deep dive on two or three Heroes, the writers determined who they will honor with a biography this session. They then went on to research the Heroes and gather details to include in their first drafts.


This week in art, the learners in Explore were introduced to their focus for Session 1, self-portraits. They began their journey of self-discovery through brainstorming what parts of themselves they would like to portray in a self-portrait. They completed contour drawing exercises and learned about the life of Frida Kahlo, who used self-portraits to express how she saw the world. The artists photographed portraits of each other to support them with their art work this session.

Week 2 brought about more excitement and ownership through decision making in SMART Goals, Town Hall, and defining systems in the community. The learners in Explore continued to build their communication and team building skills through games in Physical Development that required input from every learner. The steps taken this week are building blocks to the creation of a Contract and community that will support a thriving culture.