Explore Year 5. Session 2. Week 3.

Explorers started this cold week off by warming up their minds and bodies through socratic discussions in the studio and playful movement around campus.


This week in the E-Ship Build A Business Quest the learners in Explore conducted market research and used the Studio Bucks they earned from completing previous challenges to purchase materials from the Quest Depot to creatively construct branding and signage for their lemonade stands. The learners in Discovery supported Explorers with their market research. Explorers conducted blind taste tests and surveys about what participants would pay for their product, then reflected on if the information they received was sufficient enough to base their business decisions on. They also spent time in the Discovery studio to support the Discovery learners with their market research!


Explorers exhibited lots of enthusiasm for PD this week and engaged in many forms of teamwork. They participated in circuit training, a tic-tac-toe relay race, and an animated game of capture the flag. The learners in Explore circled up after PD to give each other call outs and celebrated each others’ determination, hard work, and growth mindset attitudes.


In Writers’ Workshop this week, Explorers discussed the elements of a good pitch. They co-authored a pitch to persuade the Ascent guides to give them 15 more minutes of free time after lunch, as well as wrote individual pitches about why they should be able create the schedule for a day. Explorers voted on which one of their pitches included all the elements of a good pitch and was the most persuasive.

The learners in Explore reflected on how well they have been following their studio contract, and rose to many challenges this week with a growth mindset and supported each other with finding focus.

For more from Session 2 Week 3, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 3 photos & videos