Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 4.

This week Explorers deepened their process of accountability by setting daily SMART Goals as a studio and reflecting on their accomplishments after every work cycle when they rejoined group.



On Tuesday and Thursday the learners in Explore dedicated an hour to work towards their Session 4 math goals in Math Power Hour. They took breaks to solve the day’s math riddle and reflected on their progress in Khan Academy.



The learners in Explore continued working hard on their Destination Imagination challenges this week. They practiced their skits, refined their scripts, and used their skills in sewing and teamwork to get closer to their goal.



During Game Design Quest, Explorers played games from the Play Lab and evaluated the games by filling out critique forms with warm and cool feedback. Then, they used that experience to create a rubric that they’ll use to evaluate the games they are currently designing.


The learners in Explore showed up to PD with lots of energy and shared their desire to continue improving their basketball skills. They worked as a team while they practiced passing drills and shooting drills. On Thursday, Explorers played their first scrimmage game of 4 on 4. They reflected afterwards about their communication on the court, and concluded with call outs for good defense, sportsmanship, and perseverance.


Explorers ended their week with a hike at Spyglass Trail and were excited to see the rushing water! They were undaunted by the quick stream and boldly climbed rocks to venture as far out as they could.



For more from Session 4 Week 4, click here: Explore Session 4, Week 4 photos & videos