Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 3.

The learners in Explore started the week reflecting on their long term goals and embraced challenges with flexibility and playfulness.



In Writers’ Workshop the Explorers reflected on the importance of the prewriting process and supported each other when they encountered creative blocks. They continued drafting their creative instructions for an activity of their choice and chose which method of instruction would be best for that activity; video, visual, or written.



The learners in Explore strategized with their teams and made progress on their Destination Imagination challenges. They put in extra time by staying after school on Tuesday and Thursday to continue working together so that they will be prepared for the competition in February!



Explorers put themselves in the shoes of game designers this week and discussed which elements make an excellent game. They questioned whether a game must include conflict, challenges, and participants that interact with one another. Then, they were challenged to create their own games and decide how challenging their games should be; whether they should include luck or skill, if the game should be communal or independent, and if their game will address a need in the world. They reflected together on these dilemmas and began constructing and playing games with creativity and excitement.



On Friday, the learners in Explore adventured through Onion Creek and went above and beyond to support the campus by preparing the chicken coop for the next freeze.

For more from Session 4 Week 3, click here: Explore Session 4, Week 3 photos & videos