Year 4. Session 7. Week 3.

Week 3 of Session 7 brought excitement as learners in Discovery visited the Spark studio as guests to their exhibition. Discovery learners were invited into the Spark studio to observe dioramas about Marine Biology and to ask questions. The space was full of curiosity and pride. Learners from both studios expressed gratitude for getting to learn from one another.


After 2 sessions of Math Power Hour, the community voted to focus on their personal Core Skills goals to finish the year. The learners felt proud of their efforts in Math Power Hour because working toward an Excellent Goal with the entire community involved showed them what they are capable of. The collective number of skills earned in Khan and IXL math nearing tripled during Math Power Hour.


This week of Quest was Film Quest, led by a 5th year learner. After watching the film to recreate and breaking into groups, learners created their own costumes. They rehearsed their lines with their groups, and created 2 minute long films.



Eagles in Writers’ Workshop began the drafting process for their memoirs by highlighting four stories from their lives.

Eagles in Word World explored comparing and contrasting ideas through various forms of brainstorming maps.


This week in art, Eagles moved their bodies and exercised their voices through drama exercises led by a guest hero in acting.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on footwork through relay races.

Year 4. Session 7. Week 2.

Week 2 of session 7 was full of creativity as learners in Discovery completed a new Quest, focused on their Core Skills goals, and experienced new methods of expression through process drama.


After 2 sessions of Math Power Hour, the community voted to focus on their personal Core Skills goals to finish the year. The learners felt proud of their efforts in Math Power Hour because working toward an Excellent Goal with the entire community involved showed them what they are capable of. The collective number of skills earned in Khan and IXL math nearing tripled during Math Power Hour.


This week of Quest was Film Quest, led by a 5th year learner. After watching the film they would recreate and being divided into groups, learners created their own costumes. They rehearsed their lines with their groups, and created 2 minute long films.



Eagles in Writers’ Workshop began the drafting process for their memoirs by highlighting four stories from their lives.

Eagles in Word World explored comparing and contrasting ideas through various forms of brainstorming maps.


This week in art, Eagles moved their bodies and exercised their voices through drama exercises led by a guest hero in acting.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on footwork through relay races.

Year 4. Session 7. Week 1.

Discovery learners kicked off Session 7 with a discussion about how feelings connect them to themselves and the people around them. They defined how they want to feel this session and what they want their studio as a whole to feel like. Some of the feelings that were listed were: free, accepting, calm, kind, happy, and amazing. They will continue to come back to how they want to feel and make connections with what actions will support those desires.


The beginning of the session called for committee elections, 360 Reviews, and casting a vision for what is ahead. The learners in Discovery received feedback from fellow Eagles about a line in the contract: “I will not distract myself or others.” Their choices from the last session were highlighted and reflected on as each Eagle received Warm Feedback and Cool Feedback.


This session’s Quest is the Growing Curiosity Quest. Each week is led by an Eagle who creates a Quest based on something that has sparked their interest. This week, the learners’ interest in the nature around them was expanded with Bug Quest. Learners chose a bug to research in detail and created displays to present their findings.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop began the brainstorming process for writing Memoirs.

Eagles in Word World explored comparing and contrasting ideas by creating Venn diagrams.


This week in art, Eagles explored creativity through yarn and drawing.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on motor skills and practiced sportsmanship through basketball games.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 6.

This week in Discovery, the learners prepared for their exhibition and invited guests to see their work in Quest, Word World, and Writers’ Workshop this session. Discussions this week focused on courage and defining success. Many Eagles practiced courage by planning or leading exhibition, by sharing a story with guests, and by presenting information from Quest and answering questions. The learners described success in the exhibition as everyone in the studio playing their part, moving through the space respectfully, and having fun. To celebrate the end of the session, learners enjoyed an all-campus picnic and water play day!



This week in Core Skills, Eagles set goals for the last week of the session and reflected on the progress of their goals. Some celebrated achieving the goals they set for themselves in this session, while others made plans to adjust for the future. Eagles who adjusted their goals reflected on how they used their time during the session, if their goals were achievable, and what they plan to do moving forward.


This week, Discovery Eagles invited guests to their exhibition to experience the skills they learned through Detective Quest. They created a mystery for their guests to solve and invited them to take fingerprints, examine hair, create footprint molds, and question suspects. At the end of their training, guests combined their evidence to determine the guilty party.


Eagle’s in Word World and Writer’s Workshop completed and published their stories, and shared them with guests during story time at the exhibition. They will continue sharing their stories with learners in the Spark studio throughout the next session.


This week in art, Eagles discussed their sense of home and place. They shared where their families are from, and what places in their lives feel like home. The question of what makes a place home led them to their creative expression of the conversation through drawing.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on footwork and mindful movements through functional movement and relay races.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 5.

As learners in Discovery complete their creative writing stories in Word World and Writer’s Workshop, the session too is approaching its falling action. As the final week of the session and Exhibition approaches, many Eagles stepped into their planning roles, prepared stories for publication, and continued building on their goals for this session.


This week in Core Skills, Eagles refocused their attention on their goals for Math Power Hour, planning for how they will achieve their Excellent Goal to earn the reward agreed upon by the studio.


This week in Quest, Discovery Eagles concluded their detective in training work. Those who collected all of the necessary evidence and materials for the mysteries presented their findings and were promoted to their new role as head detectives. The head detectives will lead their Exhibition guests in a detective training of their own.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop revised their stories in order to be ready for publication and presentation next week.

Eagles in Word World continued their cycles of feedback and revision for their stories.


This week in art, Eagles dove into the meaning of their names and used various mediums of creative expression to visualize their findings.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on footwork and mindful movements through functional movement and relay races.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 4.

This week in Discovery, we kicked off the second half of the session with a discussion about what it means to finish strong. We were encouraged by the story of an Olympic athlete who faced injury in the middle of a qualifying track meet. He was the favorite to win, but after hearing a pop in his hamstring, his priorities changed. He decided that he would rather cross the finish line far behind the others than not finish the race at all.

In the middle of the Olympic runner struggling to move forward, his father ran onto the track to support him across the finish line. The Discovery studio was inspired to “finish our own race” by completing Quest challenges, working toward Core Skills goals, and resetting how we approach studio maintenance at the end of each day.



This week in Core Skills, Eagles used their time to test their growth and knowledge through IOWA testing.


This week in Quest, Discovery Eagles examined fingerprints to make connections to the crimes they are solving in Detective Quest. As they collect more evidence, they are one step closer to finding solutions.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop started peer reviewing each other’s short stories. They shared that the most helpful feedback is kind and specific.

Eagles in Word World shared their story plots aloud to the group.


This week in art, Eagles finished the story they have been in the process of reading and drew pictures representing their own stories about where they each come from.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on basic functional movements to practice moving their bodies safely and to achieve personal goals that they set for their physical health.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 3.

This week in Discovery, Eagles took a trip to off campus to learn from the detectives of the Cedar Park Police Department about how they solve crimes. Discovery Eagles asked questions to get answers that will support them in the Detective Quest. They also solved a mock crime scene that was created by the department for their detectives in training.



This week in Core Skills, Eagles continued their challenge to complete 300 skills per week as a group in Math Power Hour. In addition to Core Skills Time, some Eagles used their time to care for the chicken coop on campus.



How do you trace a suspect’s steps? This week in Quest, detectives in training learned how to track the footprints on a crime scene. They even created molds of their own footprints.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop continued drafting their stories in order to be ready for peer reviewing next week.

Eagles in Word World created the plots of their stories about the creatures they created in week 1.



This week in art, Eagle’s continued a story passed down from the Apache Tribe, and created images that told their own origin stories.

This week in PD, Eagles had a final volleyball game and focused on good sportsmanship.


Eagles in Discovery who completed a bonus hiking challenge enjoyed Friday morning in nature.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 2.

This week in Discovery, Eagles discovered new details about the crimes they are solving in Detective Quest, achieved goals in Math Power Hour, and started a new journey in art. Some Eagles celebrated earning their first badges while others moved up a mountain.


This week in Core Skills, Eagles settled into their new squads that were selected by squad leaders who were voted on by the community. The goal for the squad leads was to select squads that are balanced, allowing each squad member to lean into their challenge zones and comfort zones at different times throughout the session. Squad leaders set leadership goals for themselves which included goals of making sure that every group member has a role, being fair, and encouraging their squad members.



This week in Quest, detectives interviewed their suspects. Playing the roles of the suspects of the three crimes were the Peak Bears, who brought their characters to life with accents, alibis, and background stories. The detectives in Discovery were challenged to ask questions that would lead them to know the story of each suspect in order to find out who committed the crimes. They gathered alibis, fingerprints, and handwriting to see what would match the evidence. The detectives were quick to notice a change in story or a false accusation throughout their questioning. After gathering their information, the detectives started the make connections that will lead them to solving the crimes.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop completed story maps for the narrative of their stories, and began their first drafts. They started by mapping out their exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Writing Buddies joined Writer’s Workshop to support the writers through asking questions to spark ideas and curiosity, as they began writing the first drafts of their stories.

Eagles in Word World brought their characters to life by adding character traits and back stories for the creatures they created in week 1. They will continue to build stories around their creatures throughout the session.



This week in art, Eagles welcomed a guest who will be leading them through acting this session. Eagle’s heard from our guest about his Hero’s Journey, and shared about themselves. They will be using acting as a space to practice using their voices and making space for others’ voices.

This week in PD, Eagles completed the volleyball tournament that began at the end of session 5. They reflected on sportsmanship and teamwork, and will continue important conversations through the year.

Year 4. Session 6. Week 1.

This week in Discovery, Eagles were eager to re-enter their space and share stories that happened during the break. A focus for the studio was what it means to live with a standard of excellence, and that the difference between good and excellent comes down to small choices over time. The studio had mindful moments of meditation and moments to decide what choices we would make before entering into a new task or work flow.


Eagles were excited to begin a new session with Math Power Hour, and to set a new, Excellent Goal. The community agreed to a goal that is more challenging than last session, and decided on what would be earned for achieving their goal. In Town Hall, the Discovery Eagles created boundaries for themselves to manage work and play in their badge plan goals. They also continued their goal setting process in their journals, and challenged each other to share their reflections each afternoon with the group.


This week in Quest, Eagles took on their new roles as detectives in training, as they began Detective Quest. Each detective pair learned about the crimes they will solve for the session in order to receive their detective badges. They learned about the first steps of solving a crime, observing and recording the crime scene. With the proper protective gear, the detectives in training recorded the crime scene through drawings and photographs. With the support of forensics, they took note of the available evidence to be able to take more steps toward solving the crimes next week.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop began creative writing this session. After choosing illustrations that were provided by artists, Eagles will write a story that corresponds to the illustrations. With excitement from remembering stories that the group has enjoyed, Eagles learned the structure of a story by mapping the parts of a well known story. After understanding the parts of a story, Eagles began creating a map for their own stories that will be published in the community library at the end of the session.

Eagles in Word World started the session by using dice with descriptions to create a monster character. After drawing the character with pencil on day 1, Eagles filled in color on day 2, reflecting on how the details bring characters to life. Throughout the session, they will build out the characteristics of their monsters, creating the building blocks of a story.

Year 4. Session 5. Week 6.

This week in Discovery, Eagles planned and executed a successful Exhibition. They reflected on the session through 360 Feedback, wrote thank you notes to heroes who supported the studio this session, and celebrated challenges, growth, and achievements that happened this session.


This week in Core Skills, Eagles focused on completing their biggest goals for the session. In week one, Eagles set their biggest goals, breaking down steps for how they would make progress by day, week, and session. They also celebrated achieving their Excellent Goal for Math Power Hour this session, resulting in a “Free Day” on Friday in which Eagles could choose how to spend their day while following the contract and studio guardrails.


This week in Quest, Eagles showcased their work by transforming the studio into a Marine Science Museum. When entering the studio, lights were turned down low and blue light covered the space. Data sheets and experiments were displayed all around the studio. After receiving their tickets to the museum, tour guides led guests through 4 exhibits. Exhibition guests interacted with creatures of the deep sea, making blue light glasses and exploring paper maché. They were surprised when invited to dissect black drum fish to learn about the fish’s anatomy. In the coral reef exhibit, guests were invited to create a coral reef of their own.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop submitted their final persuasive essays.

Eagles in Word World practiced rhyming words through games. They also focused on reading through Lexia.



As a celebration for completing their Excellent Goal in Math Power Hour, Eagles in Discovery had a full day of free time. Many chose to work on Core Skills, making themselves comfortable around the studio to collaborate. Others chose to play gaga ball outside or walk in the orchard. There was a movie about Octopuses that the majority of the studio enjoyed, and they were treated to popcorn. Another part of the free day was choosing a time for snack and lunch, fully allowing learners to listen to their bodies, as well as enjoy their meals anywhere in the studio. A group of Eagles enjoyed making sculptures that will be ready to paint when we return next session. The studio felt peaceful and joyful as Eagles celebrated safely and respectfully.