Year 4. Session 5. Week 2

This week in Discovery, Eagles had discussions about emotions, and practiced expressing their needs through new tools. Eagles learned about a tool called “flip your lid,” which is a hand signal used to express a loss of emotional control and a need for space from the person or group involved in a conflict. They also discussed how their bodies feel when emotions arise, and what signals their bodies are giving them: dance, shake, tighten, run, or hide. We found inspiration through a hero of movement, Alvin Ailey, whose vision was to use movement as a form of expressing all feelings through modern dance.


This week in Core Skills, Eagles had their first week of Math Power Hour, one hour dedicated to focusing on math skills to reach an Excellent Goal that they set as a group. An Excellent Goal is one that perfectly walks the line between the Challenge Zone and Panic Zone. Math Power Hour will take place two times a week, and Eagles will work hard with their teams to achieve their goal to earn a reward at the end of the session.


This week in Quest, Eagles enjoyed their second challenge of Marine Science Quest, the Octopus Challenge. They dove into the details of coral reefs and symbiotic relationships. Eagles used their creativity to create marine life and coral reefs from materials in the studio. They also brushed the surface of Taxonomy, discussing whether or not systems were created or discovered by Taxonomists.


Eagles in Writers Workshop took time to revise and rewrite the introductions of their persuasive essays. They gave each other Warm and Cool Feedback, a method for peer-revision which allows them to collaborate to provide feedback on each other’s drafts. This will support them in creating work they are proud of, and that meets their standard of Excellence.

Eagles in Word World practiced pencil control and planning through mad libs and mazes. They split their use of time evenly between writing and reading. During their reading time, learners who wanted to practice reading aloud worked with a reading buddy who listened to them read.


In Art, the mural artists got together as a group to make agreements about the final design of the mural, before separating to focus on their individual parts of the mural.

In Physical Development, Eagles started the week with a community soccer game, where everyone in the studio participated. They also welcomed their coaches from Peak, who led them in drills to learn the basics of passing in volleyball.


This week, we started the Hiking Club, which will take place every Friday during this session. After completing a bonus challenge about safety and nature, Eagles can attend this weekly hike that will take us to trails all around Austin.