Year 4. Session 6. Week 1.

This week in Discovery, Eagles were eager to re-enter their space and share stories that happened during the break. A focus for the studio was what it means to live with a standard of excellence, and that the difference between good and excellent comes down to small choices over time. The studio had mindful moments of meditation and moments to decide what choices we would make before entering into a new task or work flow.


Eagles were excited to begin a new session with Math Power Hour, and to set a new, Excellent Goal. The community agreed to a goal that is more challenging than last session, and decided on what would be earned for achieving their goal. In Town Hall, the Discovery Eagles created boundaries for themselves to manage work and play in their badge plan goals. They also continued their goal setting process in their journals, and challenged each other to share their reflections each afternoon with the group.


This week in Quest, Eagles took on their new roles as detectives in training, as they began Detective Quest. Each detective pair learned about the crimes they will solve for the session in order to receive their detective badges. They learned about the first steps of solving a crime, observing and recording the crime scene. With the proper protective gear, the detectives in training recorded the crime scene through drawings and photographs. With the support of forensics, they took note of the available evidence to be able to take more steps toward solving the crimes next week.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop began creative writing this session. After choosing illustrations that were provided by artists, Eagles will write a story that corresponds to the illustrations. With excitement from remembering stories that the group has enjoyed, Eagles learned the structure of a story by mapping the parts of a well known story. After understanding the parts of a story, Eagles began creating a map for their own stories that will be published in the community library at the end of the session.

Eagles in Word World started the session by using dice with descriptions to create a monster character. After drawing the character with pencil on day 1, Eagles filled in color on day 2, reflecting on how the details bring characters to life. Throughout the session, they will build out the characteristics of their monsters, creating the building blocks of a story.