Year 4. Session 7. Week 4 Spark Update

This week, the Sparks fastened their seatbelts to head to the next continent in our geography & culture study- Africa! They were supported in this by taking a virtual field trip to an African savannah, as well as a presentation from Discovery guide Ms. Nicole, who is from South Africa. On Thursday, the Sparks were split into groups of “scoopers”, “blenders”, and “makers” to show off their fine motor skills and create homemade popsicle treats! Finally, on Friday, the Sparks had the opportunity to create African masks to wrap up our study on this continent.


For our Grace and Courtesy practice this week, we have been having conversations around accountability. The Sparks shared powerful reflections on how and when they struggle with this the most, and why it is always important to be honest, even if we don’t want to be. 

We finished up this week with our homemade watermelon popsicles after a long week in this Texas heat, and in true Spark fashion, our annual Friday dance party.

Have a great weekend, and stay hydrated!