Spark Year 5. Session 1. Week 1

Spark learners kicked off their first week with songs, games and stories. Connections to new friends and old grew as learners were welcomed into their spaces. Days began with joining together in the morning circle, followed by Spark Play. The Sparks explored their outdoor environment, focusing on one Spark Play area each day. Learners created flash floods and dams in the sandpit, built stages and houses in the big parts, constructed houses for bugs in small parts and balance beams in blue parts.

During the work cycle, newer Spark learners showed eagerness and deep focus as they received lessons and practiced new works. Returning learners shared their knowledge as they flowed back into their studio.


For our Grace and Courtesy practice this week, learners concentrated on the circle guardrails. Together, the Sparks explored these guardrails gaining insight into their importance and how to best practice them. To support their experience, learners played a game where friends were invited to guess which circle guardrail they were practicing.

Our week came to a joyous end with our very first Friday Dance Party of the school year. Onwards to a year full of adventure!