Explore Year 5. Session 1. Week 5.


This week in Explore started with 360 Feedback, an opportunity for every learner to give and receive feedback about their choices in Session 1. After earning the freedom to choose where they sit, the learners in Explore discussed how to ensure that they stay focused during their work cycles, and collectively created new guardrails to support them in their daily goals.



The learners in Explore continued honing their skills as artists this week. They quickly got into flow while they worked toward completing their self-portraits.


This week in Writer’s Workshop, the learners in Explore revised and edited their biography drafts. Some Heroes completed their biographies and created original art for their covers, while other Heroes committed to publish their biographies in week 1 of Session 2.


Explorers concluded Session 1 with their first Showcase of the year. They shared reflections about their Big Wins and what challenged them in Session 1. At the end of the showcase, Explorers proudly signed their Studio Contract and Rules of Engagement in front of their guests.

In week 5 of Session 1, the learners in Explore read letters that they wrote to themselves in Week 1. They reflected on how they felt then and how they feel now, and the goals they had hoped to achieve this session. They ended the session with an all-campus dance party and the first Badge Ceremony of the year.

For more photos from Session 1 Week 5, click here: Session 1, Week 5 Photos