Year 5. Session 1. Week 5.

The building momentum of the first few weeks came to a powerful climax. As work cycles wrapped up for the session, Discovery learners prepared to make their debut at Friday’s Exhibition of Learning. 

The Studio charted unfamiliar territory this session. This came in the form of tech programs, Montessori works, and outdoor projects.  One member of the studio expressed the energy of the final week by saying, “It’s just that feeling of all your hard work paying off.”


Week 5 was full of tradition. From a birthday celebration to contract completion, the Studio formed their first rituals. 

Afternoons were dedicated to Exhibition preparation. This process largely consists of setting intentions: what do learners want their showcase to look and feel like? The Studio rehearsed the order of events with Spark learners Thursday afternoon! 

Discoverers experienced the culmination of their efforts early Friday morning. The space was buzzing with anticipation and excitement at the opportunity to offer a glimpse into studio life. The first Exhibition of Learning contained a tech program tour, team-building challenge, a Lip Dub viewing, and a Q&A panel. 

In every setting and through each challenge, learners found the courage to face the unknown; both as Heroes on an individual journey and as a community with a shared destiny.