Entries by ascentanactonacademy

Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 6.

Explorers kicked off the last week of Session 4 with an eagerness to achieve their goals in Quest, Writers’ Workshop, Math Power Hour, and Destination Imagination! The learners persevered as they approached the finish line with encouragement from their fellow Explorers.   QUEST EXHIBITION At Explore’s Session 4 Exhibition, the learners displayed the games they […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 6.

Session 4 momentum peaked this week. Glimpse how Discovery Heroes landed their learning with passion and power.  EXHIBITION OF LEARNING: QUEST Do you prefer games of luck or games of skill? What makes a board game so great that you can’t stop playing? Can you identify which visual aspects of game design immediately catch your […]

Spark Year 5. Session 4. Week 5.

As we head towards the end of the session, the Sparks spent their week exploring citizenship- what it means, why it’s important, and who they’ve observed being kind citizens. We read “What if Everybody Did That?” by Ellen Javernick and reflected on one person’s impact on a whole community. Learners joined in discussions about citizens […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 5.

Week 5 brought epic challenges and great rewards as the tribe blazed new trails in Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop.  WORK CYCLE In Work Cycle, the Studio identified and explored avoidance. Through one-on-one check-ins, Discovery learners navigated the natural resistance that arises when working toward a goal. They were challenged to reflect on how […]

Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 5.

The learners in Explore expressed their motivation to work hard and make progress in Quest, Writers’ Workshop, and Destination Imagination because Session 4 is nearing its end.   WRITERS’ WORKSHOP Explorers finished drafting their creative instructions and supported each other when fellow travelers felt resistance with achieving the word count requirements associated with their challenges […]

Spark Year 5. Session 4. Week 3.

As the session continues, the Spark learners braved the freezing weather and jumped back into their flow following a long weekend. In the middle of the week, the Sparks invited their family members into the studio for our second “work with me” exhibition. Lessons were given, guardrails were modeled, and the learners courageously navigated through […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 4.

This week in Discovery, learners continued working towards their goals in Work Cycle, creating board games in Quest and crafting poems in Writers’ Workshop!  WORK CYCLE During Socratic Discussion, Heroes identified which part of their work cycle allows them to find the deepest flow; or as one learner described, “really gets me in the zone.” […]

Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 4.

This week Explorers deepened their process of accountability by setting daily SMART Goals as a studio and reflecting on their accomplishments after every work cycle when they rejoined group.   MATH POWER HOUR On Tuesday and Thursday the learners in Explore dedicated an hour to work towards their Session 4 math goals in Math Power […]

Explore Year 5. Session 4. Week 3.

The learners in Explore started the week reflecting on their long term goals and embraced challenges with flexibility and playfulness.   WRITERS’ WORKSHOP In Writers’ Workshop the Explorers reflected on the importance of the prewriting process and supported each other when they encountered creative blocks. They continued drafting their creative instructions for an activity of […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 3.

Time is flying by in Discovery! Read below to find out just what themes Heroes are exploring at the halfway point of Session 4.  WORK CYCLE Freedom Levels were in full effect during this week’s Work Cycle. As some Discovery learners ski along the green slope, many are trying out the blue slope, and a […]