Spark Year 5. Session 5. Week 5.

As we approached the end of the session, the Spark studio focused on preparing themselves and their space for another “Work with Me” exhibition. Parents and caretakers were welcomed into the studio, where their learners led them through a workflow—lessons on animal research, compound words, and watercolor painting were amongst some of the works the Sparks felt were in their “challenge zone,” which they proudly showed to their guests.


For grace & courtesy practice, the Sparks have engaged in a new circle time discussion- “Talk about it Tuesday.” Learners can sign up to lead a discussion around something they feel needs the studio’s attention and support. Following guardrails, cleaning up works correctly, and treating materials with respect are some of the discussions that have already been had, with many Sparks eagerly bringing ideas forward, something anticipated each Tuesday moving forward.

After the Spring equinox, the Sparks have been exploring the ever-changing outdoors at Spark Play. Learners are taking nature walks, observing peaches starting to grow, and discussing the many possibilities (pies and ice cream are top contenders thus far). Learners are also creating bug hotels and animal rescue centers as the critters they share on their campus come up to say hello.