Year 4. Session 6. Week 4.

This week in Discovery, we kicked off the second half of the session with a discussion about what it means to finish strong. We were encouraged by the story of an Olympic athlete who faced injury in the middle of a qualifying track meet. He was the favorite to win, but after hearing a pop in his hamstring, his priorities changed. He decided that he would rather cross the finish line far behind the others than not finish the race at all.

In the middle of the Olympic runner struggling to move forward, his father ran onto the track to support him across the finish line. The Discovery studio was inspired to “finish our own race” by completing Quest challenges, working toward Core Skills goals, and resetting how we approach studio maintenance at the end of each day.



This week in Core Skills, Eagles used their time to test their growth and knowledge through IOWA testing.


This week in Quest, Discovery Eagles examined fingerprints to make connections to the crimes they are solving in Detective Quest. As they collect more evidence, they are one step closer to finding solutions.


Eagles in Writers’ Workshop started peer reviewing each other’s short stories. They shared that the most helpful feedback is kind and specific.

Eagles in Word World shared their story plots aloud to the group.


This week in art, Eagles finished the story they have been in the process of reading and drew pictures representing their own stories about where they each come from.

This week in PD, Eagles focused on basic functional movements to practice moving their bodies safely and to achieve personal goals that they set for their physical health.