Year 3. Session 7. Week 3.
To embrace their sense of community, the Eagles are trying out a game this week in which they are able to earn points as a tribe. How many points they receive will determine how much additional free time they earn!
During Core Skills, the Eagles have the option to work in their community garden. This week, they planted different berries and refreshed their butterfly habitats. Those who chose to work on Core Skills seemed especially focused on their gratitude badges.
Each year as a community the Eagles focus on one big question, the Question of the Year. It’s usually a question that doesn’t have a right or wrong answer, but a question designed to help one think about and consider a big idea. This year’s question is: What does it mean to be human? For Writers’ Workshop and Word World this week, the Eagles reflected on this big question as they formed their responses in their Year In Review books.
For Growing Curiosity this week, three of the Eagles led their tribe through a Quest about national parks. First the Eagles took a quiz which matched their personality to a national park. They formed groups based on their results. Then they conducted research to help them create posters and models of a park of their choosing.
For Physical Development (PD) this week, the Eagles divided themselves into two groups.Each group was led by their PD Committee who took the Eagles through warm ups, selected their activities, served as referees during games, and upheld community guardrails.
This week the Eagles celebrated “Team Day.” Stay tuned to see what theme they embrace for next week.