Explore Year 6. Session 2. Week 2.
The Explorers held their weekly Town Hall on Wednesday. They made announcements and shared what they perceived to be problems in the studio, then collectively agreed upon solutions to those problems.

On Thursday, the Explore learners joined the Spark learners to plant herbs and flowers in the Spark Courtyard. The Explorers supported the Sparks with choosing their tools – gloves and trowel – and a plant. They worked together to dig a hole and add new life to the Spark garden!

The learners in Explore continued to dive deeper into E-Ship Quest this week! They decided on the business they will start, created surveys to get feedback from their fellow travelers – as well as family and friends outside of school – and dove into unit economics. They ended the week considering when to hire employees and when to go it alone!

The Explorers got into flow during their Math Power Hours this week. They supported each other when they felt stuck, and when they needed breaks from their work, they stopped to solve the day’s math riddle together.

The Explore learners began planning what they will be painting on their canvases. They reflected on what their personal styles are and let their creativity take the lead as they sketched their first drafts!

The learners in Explore landed their week with their first Friday outing of the year. They ran through Pease Park with excitement, bravely climbed trees, and played on the tree house together.

For more from Session 2 Week 2, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 2 photos & videos