Explore Year 5. Session 7. Week 6.

The learners in Explore landed the year working hard to achieve their Session-long goals, serving their community, reflecting on their year and having fun!



Explorers finished their year strong as they continued to focus on achieving their goals. They supported each other with encouragement and celebrated each others’ hard work.



The Explore learners supported their community by cleaning up the campus to prepare for the Celebration of Heroes on Wednesday. They used teamwork and grit to move heavy items and wash different areas on campus.

The learners in Explore were honored for their perseverance, integrity, hard work, commitment, and bravery at the Celebration of Heroes. Three Explorers gave speeches and told stories that were emblematic of their year. They shared some of the lessons they learned, such as the challenging moments being the best moments because that was when they grew and learned about themselves.



Explorers enjoyed their final Friday outing of the year at Bull Creek. They found a natural water slide and courageously slid down it into the pool below.

Water play continued as the Explorers joined the Discovery and Spark learners in Water Day; a time-honored tradition at Ascent.

 Congratulations to the first Explore studio learners for a year full of growth, learning, leadership and friendship!

For more from Session 7 Week 6, click here: Explore Session 7, Week 6 photos & videos