Explore Year 5. Session 7. Week 3.

This week, the Explorers worked hard to make progress on their session-long goals and reflected on their studio culture.



In week 3 of Session 7, a pair of Explorers guided Discovery learners through a Quest they created and named Fashion Figure Out. The Explorers led discussions and supported Discovery learners with challenges such as researching different kinds of style, designing an accessory, and constructing it.




The Explore learners teamed up with the Discovery learners to play volleyball games. They encouraged one another during the games and concluded PD with call-outs for good sportsmanship and perseverance.



The learners in Explore dove deeper into their Personal Passion Quest challenges. They followed the Quest plans they created and reflected on their progress.



The Explore learners went on a nature walk through the campus orchard on Friday. They stopped along the walk to reflect on questions such as, “How do Explorers approach their learning?” and, “How do Explorers face challenges?” in their journals. At the end of the walk they drank tea while they shared their reflections in the yurt.



For more from Session 7 Week 3, click here: Explore Session 7, Week 3 photos & videos