Explore Year 5. Session 7. Week 1.

Explorers dove into the first week of Session 7 with high energy and shared powerful reflections about the culture they have created and the legacy they want to leave at Ascent.



The Explore learners created journals this week. They discussed the value of keeping a journal and got into flow answering prompts in their journals. They wrote about who they are, what they do, what they like, and what they want their journal to do: be a record for their future family, a record for the world, or a reflection for themselves to process.



In Session 6, the learners in Explore worked in groups to create week-long Quests to implement in Discovery in Session 7. They worked together to write launches and create challenges on the various topics they chose. In week 1 of Session 7, the first group guided Discovery learners through a Quest on painting. Explorers facilitated Socratic discussions and actively supported the learners in Discovery with challenges that explored symbolism in art, drawing background and foreground, and choosing colors based on the emotions each learner wanted to evoke through their painting.



The Explore learners teamed up with the Discovery learners to play Volleyball in PD this week. They cheered each other on as they completed agility drills and partnered up to practice passing.


Explorers reflected on and set personal Session-long goals. They set goals based on what they need to achieve to get to earn Badges, a specific math goal, and a goal related to an area they would like to grow in. Once they wrote down their goals, they broke down what they will need to do to achieve their goal into smaller, week-long goals. They posted their goals and their plans of action in the Studio for accountability.


For more from Session 7 Week 1, click here: Explore Session 7, Week 1 photos & videos