Explore Year 5. Session 6. Week 5.

Explorers jumped into week 5 of Session 6 with high energy and didn’t let the rain stop them from working hard or playing hard!



The learners in Explore joined the learners in Discovery for an experience in a mobile planetarium hosted by Stars and Science Austin on Tuesday. Explorers dove into the technology astronomers use to understand the cosmos by building detailed models of satellites with their Quest Groups on Wednesday, and began the search for extraterrestrial life by first defining what life is so they could know what they were looking for!




The learners in Explore got into flow while they spent time this week working hard to complete challenges in Writers’ Workshop and make progress on their session-long goals.



Explorers finished pieces of art they have been working on all year in preparation for their art exhibit that will be on display at their Session 6 Exhibition next week!



Whether it was climbing the rope in the Spark Play area, or leading warm-ups in PD, Explorers pushed themselves this week and shared how proud they felt at their ability to do hard things.

For more from Session 6 Week 5, click here: Explore Session 6, Week 5 photos & videos