Explore Year 5. Session 6. Week 2.

The learners in Explore celebrated Earth Day on Monday by supporting the Spark learners with planting new flowers and herbs in their courtyard.



In Astronomy Quest this week, Explorers sorted and classified “interstellar dust”, modeled the life cycle of a star, used Hubble’s Galaxy Classification to identify different galaxies by their shape, and dove into black holes with curiosity.



The Explore learners work hard and play hard in PD. They continued their circuit training and shared how much stronger they feel!



The learners in Explore had a community discussion about conflict resolution. They reflected on what has been going well, and where they can improve, then brainstormed solutions together.




Explorers were happy to return to Shoal Creek for their Friday outing. They rescued a turtle that was in the path and returned it to the creek, climbed trees, and played together on the treehouse in Pease Park.


For more from Session 6 Week 2, click here: Explore Session 6, Week 2 photos & videos