Explore Year 5. Session 6. Week 1.

The learners in Explore started Session 6 with shared excitement for Quest, Writers’ Workshop, PD, and more. They dove into hard questions together and reflected on their growth, as well as what respect means to them.



Explorers are becoming astronomers in Session 6! They kicked off the Astronomy Quest by asking big questions about our universe. The learners in Explore worked together to recreate the Southern Hemisphere night sky, modeled eclipses in three different ways, and put themselves in the shoes of ancient peoples who looked to the stars and made meaning by writing their own creation myths.



In Session 6, Writers’ Workshop is all about creative writing. Explorers got into flow as they filled out their Character Maps and other pre-writing challenges.



The learners in Explore are revisiting circuit training in PD. In Session 2, they set benchmarks for the number of sit-ups they can do in 1 minute, the number of push-ups they can do in 1 minute, and the time it takes them to run the length of the field and back, twice. This week they worked hard to beat those benchmarks, while cheering each other on.


Explorers embodied their studio name on their Friday outing to Bull Creek! They walked and swam in the water, then worked together to dry the seats of the van when they arrived back on campus.



For more from Session 6 Week 1, click here: Explore Session 6, Week 1 photos & videos