Explore Year 5. Session 2. Week 4.

Explorers began the week with revisiting themes of Excellent SMART Goal setting and boldly sharing their SMART Goals with each other.


The learners in Explore acted out a skit about unit economics as part of their E-Ship Building A Business Quest. They discussed the importance of sunk costs, variable costs, and fixed-period costs when considering revenue and profit, and explored the concept of breaking even. Explorers watched examples of commercials and dissected each commercial’s pitch before they wrote a pitch for their own lemonade and snack stands. The week ended in a Snack Mix Stand Stand-Off.


Explorers set personal benchmarks for number of sit-ups and push-ups in one minute as well how fast they can run the length of the field four times. They expressed enthusiasm for PD and pride in how they worked hard to prepare for the benchmarks they set. The learners in Explore took time after each PD to give fellow Explorers call-outs for great teamwork, growth mindset, and good attitudes.


Explorers were introduced to paintings by van Gogh, Monet, and Kandinsky in which the artists chose to paint places that felt like “home” to them. The learners in Explore reflected on how the colors in the paintings made them feel before thinking of places that feel like home to them. They wrote stories about a place that feels like home and began sketching. On Friday, Explorers conducted portfolio reviews where they presented their stories, sketches, and canvases to the group and received warm and cool feedback.


The learners in Explore traveled to the Byzantine Empire this week! They took turns reading aloud from a passage about daily life in Constantinople and about Emperor Justinian. Explorers discussed their favorite parts of the Byzantine Empire and all agreed that the fact that all children, regardless of money, got an education, was their favorite part.

Explorers hiked and played at Onion Creek Trail for their Friday outing. The location of their Friday outing was selected because the learners in Explore wrote pitches in Writer’s Workshop for where they wanted to go and voted on the most persuasive pitch!


For more from Session 2 Week 4, click here: Explore Session 2, Week 4 photos & videos