Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 4.

This week in Discovery, learners continued working towards their goals in Work Cycle, creating board games in Quest and crafting poems in Writers’ Workshop! 


During Socratic Discussion, Heroes identified which part of their work cycle allows them to find the deepest flow; or as one learner described, “really gets me in the zone.” The Studio shared what flow feels like internally, with many relating to the experience of losing track of time while in deep flow. Finally, Discovery learners dug deep into the psychological and environmental factors that pull them out of flow. This conversation opened a healthy communication channel for the tribe to get clear on what they need from their Fellow Travelers during Work Cycle. 



The day has finally arrived! Mid-afternoon on Monday, Discovery game designers began imagining games for the Board Game Expo, taking place at the Session 4 Exhibition. Using knowledge gained from creating games of luck and games of skill, designers initiated the creative process of making their final product. Working in pairs, Heroes conceptualized each element of their games by completing the Game Designer Guide. This planning tool supported the Studio in deciding the layout of the board, the number of players, the age range of their target audience, the storyline or theme, the rules of play, and the objective! 



In week 4, Discovery Poets explored nursery rhymes. Using a classic Mother Goose collection for reference, learners were challenged to create a poem/song of their own in the style of a nursery rhyme. Writers found inspiration in animals, numbers, objects, places, and characters. During debriefs at the conclusion of Writers’ Workshop, Heroes bravely shared their writing and received peer reviews in the form of warm and cool feedback. 


Have a restful weekend, Discovery community! 


Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 3.

Time is flying by in Discovery! Read below to find out just what themes Heroes are exploring at the halfway point of Session 4. 


Freedom Levels were in full effect during this week’s Work Cycle. As some Discovery learners ski along the green slope, many are trying out the blue slope, and a few members of the tribe challenge themselves by skiing blacks. The Freedom Levels System helps Heroes understand the consequences of their choices each day. The choices to work hard, help others, and lead our community will build strength of character and lead to joy through personal achievement. In a week where a learner displays great readiness for responsibility, they are, in turn, displaying readiness for true freedom. 


Can you build a 12-inch Lego structure in under 1 minute? How many animals that start with the letter “E” can you list in 30 seconds? These are the challenges Discovery game designers posed to their Fellow Travelers in Week 3 of Quest: Games of Skill! The prompt may seem simple, but the execution of a skills game is tougher than it looks. Designers rose to the occasion using their innovation, collaboration, and grit. 


Poets in Discovery took a deep dive into another writing style this week: diamante poems. This poetry style gets its name from its iconic diamond shape. Writers crafted poetry, gathering inspiration from the world around them. The Studio also developed their writing skills in identifying parts of speech and in adjusting the word count of each line to meet the specific requirements of diamante poetry. 

Even in the freezing weather, the flame of the tribe shone brightly in Discovery. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 2.

Discovery Heroes moved through Week 2 with powerful momentum. Stay tuned to see how the Studio braved new challenges in Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


The integrated Work Cycle experiment continued this week. Learners are exploring what it looks and feels like to navigate a three hour work cycle for the first time. Work Cycle changes this session have been a rich learning opportunity. In the midst of continuing progress toward their goals, the Studio reflected on finding flow, losing flow, releasing energy, and channeling energy. 


Do you believe in luck? Do you consider yourself a lucky person? These were the questions Discovery game designers grappled with this week during Quest. The tribe began considering the level of luck they will incorporate into their own games. Through the creation of fast paced dice and target games, designers gained a deeper understanding of probability and chance. 


This week’s poetry deep dive: haikus! The Studio found examples and inspiration by reading, If Not for the Cat by Jack Prelutsky and Zen Ties by Jon J. Muth. If you walked into the space during Writers’ Workshop, you’re likely to hear scattered clapping around the Studio. Writers supported one another with conceptualizing and counting syllables as they crafted their own poems. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 1.

Session 4 is here! Continue reading to see how Discovery Heroes kicked off a new year with new systems. 


The Work Cycle, like every part of the studio schedule, undergoes constant evolution. The greatest shift this session came through the badge plan. Montessori works are now incorporated into reading, language, and math badges. This shift is reflected in the freedom to float through the Work Cycle, meaning the freedom to choose how you spend your time, either in the Montessori area or in software programs. Feedback, reflection, and observation were key ingredients in making the change to an integrated Work Cycle. This is one of many opportunities for Discoverers to take greater ownership of their learning, their work, and their time. 



This week, Heroes launched the first Writers’ Workshop of the year! Throughout the session, the Studio will focus on poems, taking a deep dive into many forms of poetry; ultimately creating a collection of their excellent writing. Writers will display their collections at the Exhibition of Learning! 


The Studio was bursting with excitement for Game Design Quest. In their first challenge, learners re-designed classic arcade games. In the weeks to come, Discoverers will work in pairs to create games of luck and games of skill. Culminating in the invention of their very own board game!


Learners bravely created new systems and adapted existing ones. Every session in Discovery kicks off with an election. As an act of self-governance, the Studio votes on Town Council, Hero Buck Council, Lunch Hosts, Squad Leaders, and a timekeeper to keep the community on schedule. Members of these committees dedicate additional time, energy, and leadership to building the tribe and maintaining a civil society. Beyond these Systems of Accountability, learners also began re-imagining their Rules of Engagement to elevate and cultivate Socratic Discussion. 

Change is a constant in a learner-driven environment. In Week 1, Heroes called upon their courage, adaptability, and inventiveness to face each change together. 

Year 5. Session 3. Week 3.

Session 3 landed powerfully in Discovery. Heroes celebrated with a final destination field trip, the annual book exchange, and a reflection on the Question of the Year!


Cartography Quest began with an overview of history’s greatest voyages. From Magellan to Lewis & Clark, learners connected with the experience of geographic exploration. Through the campus scavenger hunt, the tribe became familiar with longitude and latitude lines. This marked the start of a series of challenges designed to build the technical skills behind map-making. 

These skills were developed even further through the World Factbook. By collecting information to craft the factbook, learners examined country-specific cultural topics. This process gave Heroes the opportunity to expand their cartographic knowledge while utilizing hands-on creativity. 

Using maps from the geography works, the Studio integrated Montessori works into Quest for the first time this session. Learners worked to create detailed continental maps complete with individual countries, important locations, landmarks, and cities. 

At every step of the way in this Quest, Squads were unraveling a shared mystery. Completed work earned a Squad a clue to take them one step closer to solving the puzzle. On the final day of Cartography Quest, all of the clues came together to form a map to their final destination! 


The final day of Session 3 started and ended with tradition. In the morning, the Studio engaged in Socratic Discussion on Ascent’s QOTY: What Voice Does a Hero Listen to? To conclude the day, Discovery held its annual book exchange! Learners handmade their own wrapping paper and surprised their fellow traveler with a thoughtfully selected book. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 3. Week 2.

Just like that, the session is over halfway through! Discoverers continue their work in Cartography Quest, Civilization, Work Cycles, and Outdoor Play/P.D. 


In Week 2, the modern-day Magellan’s of Discovery Studio set forth to new continents. The voyage visited Africa, Europe, and Antarctica through the continued creation of a world fact book. In Squads, learners dive deeply into past and present facts from one country. Discoverers also sustained their efforts toward their map designs using Montessori materials. Narratives from around the world were sourced from Grimms’ Fairy Tales and Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales! 


The Studio sat down to hear the Epic of Gilgamesh in Civilization. Using this ancient story, Heroes engaged in Socratic Discussion on morality and nobility. Is it more noble to change on your own accord or to change based on the advice of others? 


This week in Work Cycles, learners were challenged to create a different and specific SMART goal each day!


Immersion in nature and collaborative creation continued during this week’s Outdoor Play. Discoverers focused on perfecting their long jump in P.D. 

At closing group this week, Discovery learners reflected on the three basic needs of a healthy Studio. In a moment of collective intention, the tribe found clarity on what they need from their environment, their systems, and one another. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 3. Week 1.

Discovery learners launched into Session 3 with energy and autonomy. Take a peek into this session’s Quest and the evolution of Work and Play Cycles!


Cartography Quest presents the opportunity to circumnavigate the globe through your imagination. Learners gain valuable map-making skills through mini-challenges called Voyages. Heroes will also dive deeply into cultural narratives by creating a world fact book. Discoverers completed a campus scavenger hunt using longitude and latitude to find the first clue to their final destination. This week, the Studio heard famous folktales from North and South America. 


Discoverers were eager to resume their Outdoor Play journey in the new session. This week, the Studio witnessed a powerful conflict resolution between two groups of learners building and playing near one another. Outdoor Play is a time in the day when learners gain excellent tools for the skill of self-governance. While creating, building, and exploring, conflict is natural. When it does occur, each individual in the studio has a choice: Will I be a peacemaker or a problem-solver?



Learners calmed their brains and bodies to find flow this week. At times, flow was lost. Through digging deeper into the ideas of distraction, resistance, and victimhood, Discoverers processed the experience of losing flow. These moments of recalibration were supported by the weekly reflection question completed during SMART goals-setting. The question prompted exploration into what learners will start, stop, and continue doing in the Work Cycle. 


Week 1 empowered and equipped Heroes in a multitude of ways. Discoverers have shown bravery in blazing new trails and agency in holding the systems of studio life in their own hands.

Discovery Year 5. Session 2. Week 5.

To quote one learner on their Week 5 experience, “It feels like freedom.” After a session of great challenges and great responsibility, Discovery Heroes celebrated their journey with an Exhibition of Learning, a Work Cycle reflection, and a Badge Ceremony. 


E-Ship Quest came to a powerful culmination at the Trade Show. Family and community members gathered to hear product pitches from young entrepreneurs. Prototypes, market research, and idea funnels were on display to offer a glimpse into the creative process. Heroes competed to earn votes from potential customers while receiving feedback relevant to improving their business. This element of the Exhibition served as a showcase of the unique ideas and excellent work created in Quest. Beyond that, it equips each learner with the skills necessary for success at the Ascent Children’s Business Fair! (See you on Saturday, December 2nd!) 


This element of the Exhibition of Learning brought joyful insight into the Montessori Work Cycle. Throughout the week, learners focused on the “T” in SMART goals which stands for tough.  In preparation for the Work with Me Exhibition, Discoverers entered their Montessori Work Cycle and selected the materials that challenge them most, taking them furthest from their comfort zone; the place where growth can happen. 


The weather was changeable but Heroes stayed true to their mission: play! This week, loose parts were traded for the simple magic of nature and imagination. Observations characterize Outdoor Play as a time of creativity and cooperation. On Wednesday, Discoverers truly tested their limits in P.D. Each learner set a benchmark in sprints, sit-ups, and push-ups. Stay tuned to see if they surpass these limits! 

The Studio discovered rich learning in moments of failure and found triumph in moments of success. We have grace and gratitude for the lessons learned in Session 2. We can’t wait to see what’s next!

Discovery Year 5. Session 2. Week 4.

This week, E-Ship Quest set sail for Product Island, the Studio celebrated its first badge ceremony, and Heroes learned about sacred traditions in Ancient Egypt! 


Discovers dug into the product creation process as their entrepreneurship ideas entered the prototyping phase. In Week 4, learners explored 2D prototypes, like design sketches, and 3D prototypes, like scale models. They analyzed each type before deciding which format would best serve their business. On Friday, the Studio discussed the process of writing a pitch. The entrepreneurs reviewed excellent examples and received support in “perfecting their pitch” from Explorers. 


Week 4 brought expansion to Outdoor Play. By demonstrating a commitment to respecting materials, one another, and their community as a whole – learners earned even more choices in their play. Artwork in the natural world and building with small parts became an energetic, exciting part of the day. 


The tribe traveled back to their continuing story in early Egypt. They took a deep dive into the history of mummification and the role sacred tradition plays in society. 


Learners witnessed a fellow traveler earn the first badge of the year! Each studio member leaned in to hear the Hero share the challenges and rewards faced while working toward their goal. Beyond this, the Work Cycles continued with collective goal setting and sharing. This week, discussions included reflections on the current working environment, the art of balancing work and play, and tools for finding flow despite distraction. 

We look forward to the final week of Session 2 as well as the challenges, growth, and celebration coming with it! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 2. Week 3.

It’s hard to believe that we are over halfway through Session 2! This week, the tribe trekked forth in E-Ship Quest, Outdoor Play, P.D., Civilization, and Work Cycles. 


Week 3 of Quest led learners to Economics Island. The Studio took a deep dive into unit economics and the act of counting money. Discovery entrepreneurs received support from Explorers who served as the Cost Research Team. Together, Discoverers and Explorers calculated how much it would cost to start their business and used that information to determine pricing for each item they’re selling. Heroes learned new terms like profit, cost, price, and break even.



Discoverers didn’t let the colder weather inhibit their expression or imagination; quite the opposite! Frost on the Outdoor Play materials was a source of endless fascination. Heroes bundled up and huddled together to design, create, and craft using both loose parts and items found in nature.


During Physical Development, Heroes participated in a circuit training to prepare for the P.D. Olympics! The circuit is a series of eight energetic exercises completed in pairs or groups of three. Learners are working hard to set benchmarks for themselves in the skills of the circuit. At the end of the year, the Studio will compete in these same activities with the goal of surpassing their original benchmarks!


In Civilization, learners heard a story about the invention of writing. The Studio’s journey through history has taken them to ancient Egypt and the Fertile Crescent; a region in the Middle East often thought of as the birthplace of human civilization. In Week 3, they studied Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform, two early forms of writing. Heroes then reflected on the impact written systems have on society.


Learners experimented with the freedom to float in their Work Cycles this week. This looks and feels like having the choice of which Work Cycle you start with and how much time you spend in each cycle. Learners were invited to set both Montessori and Work Cycle SMART goals. The cycle concluded with a reflection on how they chose to structure their time.

Now, we begin looking forward to the final two weeks of the session. With courage and curiosity, the Studio is ready to face the unknown!