Entries by ascentanactonacademy

Explore Year 5. Session 5. Week 6.

The learners in Explore leaned into their role as leaders on campus and supported Discovery learners with their Quest work this week. They guided and encouraged their fellow travelers, and celebrated their success at the Geology Quest outing at the end of the week!   SESSION 5 EXHIBITION + SHOWCASE Explorers welcomed guests to their […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 6.

Heroes in Discovery brought energy, excitement, and determination into the final week of the session. The Studio celebrated their hard work with an Exhibition of Learning and an adventure to a cavern!  EXHIBITION OF LEARNING: QUEST Guests at Session 5’s Exhibition of Learning had the chance to experience one challenge from each week of Quest. […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 5 Week 5

Change is a constant in a learner-driven environment. Discovery learners reflected on the importance of their responsibilities within this community, directly influencing the freedoms they hold dear. This week, with a heightened awareness of the respect given to the space and their Fellow Travelers, Heroes in Discovery faced shifts with grace and courage. As they […]

Spark Year 5. Session 5. Week 5.

As we approached the end of the session, the Spark studio focused on preparing themselves and their space for another “Work with Me” exhibition. Parents and caretakers were welcomed into the studio, where their learners led them through a workflow—lessons on animal research, compound words, and watercolor painting were amongst some of the works the […]

Explore Year 5. Session 5. Week 5.

The learners in Explore spent time in discussions this week reflecting on their role as leaders on campus and brainstormed ways that they can offer support to their fellow travelers at Ascent.   QUEST Explorers conducted MOHs hardness tests on various rocks and minerals and recorded their results in Geology Quest this week. They researched […]

Explore Year 5. Session 5. Week 4.

The Explorers went exploring this week! They dug deeper into Geology Quest, supported one another during Writers’ Workshop, and heroically reflected on resistance and what a goal means to them.   QUEST This week, the Explore learners became volcanologists in Geology Quest! They worked together to simulate volcanic eruptions, investigated one another’s volcanoes, and mapped […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 4

This week, Discoverers explored volcanic eruptions in Geology Quest and exciting settings in Writers’ Workshop. Keep reading to learn more!  WORK CYCLE The Studio welcomed guests into the space during silent Work Cycle. The guests, learners from Explore and guides from Spark, were asked to observe the studio with fresh eyes. As Discoverers reflect on […]

Spark Year 5. Session 5. Week 3

As the session continues, the Spark learners were given a wonderful opportunity to embrace the growing excitement around learning how to read. They were paired up with “reading buddies”, which is a rotating group of Discovery learners who are also working towards their own badges. At the beginning of the week, a Discovery learner presented […]

Explore Year 5. Session 5. Week 3.

The learners in Explore experimented in Geology Quest, delved into varied viewpoints on some of the world’s biggest questions, worked together to complete challenges, and reflected on what concepts like failure and skill-building mean to them.   QUEST In Geology Quest this week, Explorers created a timeline of Earth, built a model of an oil […]

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 3.

This week, Discoverers brought ample energy and excitement into Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop!  WORK CYCLE Learners in Discovery are sustaining their effort to create a more intentional and accountable Work Cycle. The cycle begins when a 10-minute timer appears. In these 10 minutes, Discoverers independently set goals before sharing them with a Squad […]