Explore Year 5. Session 7. Week 5.

In week 5 of Session 7, the learners in Explore discussed the Studio culture they have cultivated over the course of the year and reflected on how creating their culture is not about the destination, but the ongoing practice of respect for their fellow travelers, their Studio, and themselves.



In week 5 of Session 7, the final group of Explore learners led the Film Quest they wrote in the Discovery Studio. The Explorers guided the learners in Discovery through challenges such as writing a script, making props, as well as filming, and supported Discovery learners with following their guardrails during Socratic discussions.



All Session long, the learners in Explore and Discovery have trained for volleyball and played scrimmages against each other. At the beginning of Session 7 they were presented with the opportunity to earn an off-campus volleyball game based on participation. On Tuesday, two teams-the Maroon Mushrooms and the Electric Ballers-who had earned the most points for their consistent participation in PD during the previous 4 weeks, played a volleyball game at the Mary Elizabeth Branch sand courts in Mueller. Learners on all four teams shared their excitement and pride at how much they have improved and encouraged one another to give their best.



Explorers worked independently and collaboratively to get into flow during their Work Cycles. They set SMART goals that supported them in achieving the goals they set at the beginning of the Session and motivated each other to work hard and finish the year strong.


For more from Session 7 Week 5, click here: Explore Session 7, Week 5 photos & videos