Year 4. Session 5. Week 5.

This week in Discovery, Eagles used their powerful reflections from last week’s reset to continue gracefully with their agreements this session.  When challenges arose, leaders spoke up to find solutions. The group noticed that their bodies feel highly energized after free time, and acknowledged a challenge to focus in the afternoon group discussion. As a result, the community started a ritual of meditating for the last 5 minutes of free time, to settle their minds and bodies before entering the second part of the day.

This week, we also had the gift of  Tiny Tails coming to our campus. Eagles held, pet, and sent loving wishes to a diversity of animals, including chickens, bunnies, a bearded dragon, and more.


This week in Core Skills, Eagles completed their last day of Math Power Hour, and they will find out the results of the amount of skills learned as a community at the Exhibition, next Thursday. If they achieved their goal, they will have a “free day” on Friday to celebrate their accomplishments.


This week in Quest, Eagles were challenged with completing the final levels of the Marine Science Quest, which included bringing creatures of the deep sea to life through paper maché art. They also explored habitats and the anatomy of fish through dissecting sardines and large black drum fish. Many emotions were felt as some enjoyed exploring the fish, and other experienced discomfort around dead animals.



Eagles in The Writers’ Workshop made final edits to their persuasive essays in preparation to publish them next week. With the support of Writing Buddies, each Eagle received feedback in order to achieve complete essays that they feel proud of.

Eagles in Word World continued to build fine motor skills and penmanship through tracing. They also focused on reading using Lexia or  by reading aloud with a Reading Buddy.



In Art, Eagles focused on their Quest challenges, as they painted the details of their deep sea creatures.

In Physical Development, Eagles were flexible with the rainy weather, taking their movement inside to play games lead by their coaches, the Peak Bears.