Year 4. Session 5. Week 1.
Discovery Eagles returned with enthusiasm, and kicked off the session with an important discussion about creating goals for their future selves. Inspired by Gladys West’s story of leaving her farm town to become the inventor of the Global Positioning System, the Eagles thought of their most important goals. After setting their most important goal, they decided on actions they will take daily, monthly, and by session to achieve their goal. While some were Core Skills driven to earn badges or move up a mountain, others were community driven, like to be a helpful friend.
This week in Core Skills, Eagles started taking steps toward their most important goal. They had the option to work in Core Skills and Campus Care three days a week, and some stepped into new roles as a new Chicken Council was elected. Chicken Council members must be chicken certified in order to know the best practices for caring for the chickens, and chicken certified Eagles led their new Chicken Council to prepare them for their new roles.
In Quest this session, Eagles will take on the role of Earth Explorers, diving into the deep sea to learn about all there is to discover. They will be working in teams to complete a new level each week that takes them deeper into discovering ocean waves, corals reefs, the deep ocean, and more. Starting with ocean waves, this week’s challenges included creating a strong team, managing many instructions and materials, and time management.
Eagles in Writers Workshop are in the process of reviewing persuasive essays. Taking space in the yurt, they practiced giving kind, specific feedback.
Eagles in Word World practiced vocabulary through describing games, and practiced reading skills in Lexia.
In art, final details are being added to the Ascent Mural. Artists have taken ownership of parts of the mural and are working to complete their design. There has been innovation in adding new ideas as well as making adjustments to the original design as they go.
In physical development, Eagles are taking on volleyball this session with their teams. On their first day, Eagles started building their team pride by creating team names and flags.