Year 3. Session 7. Week 6.
This week marked the final few days of the 2022 school year and this week was all about celebrating! The Hero’s Journey of each Eagle was formally recognized during the Celebration of Heroes. In front of friends and family, each Eagle was presented with a certificate to thank and honor them for one of the many special attributes they contributed to their community.
For some Eagles, this week would be their final Badge Ceremony before moving on to middle school. It was crunch time, but eight badges were earned and honored! Once all the badges were submitted, the Eagles celebrated with game time and popcorn.
For their final Eagle-led Quest, the Eagles finished their tree houses. They invited the younger Spark Eagles to view their hard work and ask questions about their elevated construction processes.
On the final day, the Eagles worked hard to clean and shut down their studio for the summer. However, no last day would be complete without a WATER EXTRAVAGANZA! The Eagles danced in sprinklers, slipped down water slides, chased bubbles, and so much more to end the year with their community.