Year 3. Session 7. Week 5.

This week, the Eagles re-implemented their Hero Buck system as a method to hold each other accountable. 

During Core Skills, a few Eagles noticed that the amount of time they were spending in their new math program was detracting from how much time they were spending on their badge work for other skills. These Eagles chose to work together on something other than their new math program for specified periods of time. 

During Writers’ Workshop and Word World, the Eagles discussed the three monsters they can encounter on their Hero’s Journey. The three monsters are Victimhood (It’s not my fault), Resistance/Fear (I can’t do it), and Distraction (I’m choosing something else). Using their Year in Review book, the Eagles reflected on the challenges they’ve faced this year and considered how they’ve grown through them. 

For Growing Curiosity this week, one of the Eagles led their tribe through an Astronomy Quest. After discussing the mysteries of outer space, the Eagles began creating 3-D models of our solar system. After conducting some research about what makes a planet habitable, they created and named their own planets. 

For Physical Development, the Eagles played a number of community building games such as crab soccer, community catch, and active rock-paper-scissors. 

This week the Eagles celebrated Pajama Day. Stay tuned to see what theme they embrace for next week.