Spark Year 5. Session 5. Week 1

As the session kicked off, the Sparks were excited to see changes in their space: new indoor and outdoor works, fresh tile, and their very own zen garden. Learners received lessons for new works surrounding their enrichment this session- Zoology! Some new works they enjoyed include making butterflies, sorting habitats, and creating different biome maps. To end the first week back, the Sparks watched an educational video about insects to accompany their Friday craft of creating bugs out of clothespins, which supported them in strengthening their fine motor skills like cutting, measuring, and gluing, as well as enhancing problem-solving skills used to research different bugs and their ecosystems.


As part of their Grace & Courtesy practice, the Sparks continued their exploration of the concept of citizenship – what it means and how it feels. Sparks experienced books about responsibility, kindness, and honesty to support discussions around these character traits, emphasizing that being an exceptional citizen is not solely based on one’s identity but rather on the choices one makes through one’s actions. The learners have been practicing newfound language within their community to express feelings and commend their fellow travelers for being helpful citizens.

Sparks were introduced to a new “play plan” concept to guide their loose parts play. Learners spent a few minutes before starting play, using drawings and/or words to plan what they wanted to build and with what materials during their Spark Play time.  During their reflection circle, learners compared their plans to what they did at Spark Play and shared any changes that had occurred.

When Friday rolled around, their weekly dance party had the Sparks grooving into the weekend, celebrating their hard work throughout the week.

Have a great weekend!