Spark Year 5. Session 3. Week 1

To kick off the start of the session, Spark learners dove deep into the ocean to embark on their focus for this session- Marine Biology! To begin their study, learners explored the ecosystems of each layer of the ocean before flowing into lessons on new works. Sparks engaged in threading, pin punching, cutting, and measuring to strengthen their fine motor skills. New artworks were explored supporting their growing curiosity about marine life.


On Thursday, learners deepend their exploration of the ocean zones by participating in a liquid density science experiment which visually represented the the light attenuation of each zone. Learners excitedly shared their discoveries of each zone; particularly drawn to the inhabitation of various creatures, especially marine life who utilize bioluminescence to warn or evade predators, to lure or detect prey, and/or communicate between members of their species.

Following an examination of whale sharks, Sparks were invited to lay side-by-side with a visual representation of the width of a whale shark’s mouth (4 feet!) to investigate if their body would fit inside. Learners relished in predicting if they would be bigger or smaller than the “mouth”.


Coming back from a break, the Sparks jumped right back into Spark Play without missing a beat- building castles, hamster cages, bug hotels and feeding our beloved chickens. As the weather ebbed and flowed, learners braved some rainy weather with enthusiasm, remembering the importance of being prepared with all-weather gear to enjoy any conditions to the fullest!

On Friday, a few Spark learners were invited to be the first apprentice Guides in their studio. The learners engaged in a careful consideration of the ensuing responsibilities: supporting the studio through helping friends, modeling guardrails, and being leaders in their space. Their first task on hand was supporting in choosing our Guide for the Day, a newfound freedom of our learner-driven environment. The work cycle included the option to create a jellyfish for our Friday craft; strengthening fine motor skills and supporting focus and flow.

The Sparks ended the week with a campus trash clean up to support the health of their community, and of course, our Friday Dance Party!


Have a great weekend, we hope to see you at the Children’s Business Fair this Saturday from 9am-1pm!