Spark Year 5. Session 2. Week 4

As the Sparks dove deeper into their studies of environmental science, their curiosity led them outside of the studio onto a school bus to attend their first field trip of the year- Crowe’s Nest Farms! The Spark learners gained a deeper understanding of a working farm and animal sanctuary by enjoying a hay ride to the bison pasture, a cow milking demonstration, a tour of the reptile vivaria, and various animal habitats. They delighted in the sights, sounds, and smells of the farm as they safely petted their new pal Miguel (a friendly milk snake), befriended llamas, and much more.


Later in the week, the Sparks rolled up their sleeves and put on their gloves to garner the yield from their garden. Thursday brought about the opportunity to harvest and prep various herbs to infuse Mr. Tom’s honey for our Fall Feast next week. The learners voted to use lavender, mint, rosemary, and sage infusions to enjoy and share amongst our fellow travelers at Ascent. 


For their Grace and Courtesy practice, the Sparks engaged in discussions around kindness- within their spaces, towards their materials, friends, and one another. The learners continued to explore how to “sprinkle kindness” on various scenarios, brainstorming ideas together to support gaining insight and perspective. 

To end the week, the Spark studio took part in their Miguel inspired craft and as always, celebrated their journey as they swayed into their Friday dance party.