Embracing the Unfamiliar: A Tale of Kindness and Community

Guest parent: Loraine Björendahl | Interview by Javier Parellada

At Ascent Academy, we believe that fostering genuine connections is essential to the educational experience. It extends beyond mere friendliness; it’s about building a community where everyone feels truly seen, heard, and understood, a place where belonging is not just a feeling, but a reality.

Loraine’s story, one of a small interaction she was able to observe at drop off, beautifully illustrates this vision. As her twin sons embarked on the unfamiliar journey of transitioning to a new school, she witnessed firsthand the impact of a nurturing community on her children.

A Gentle Hand in a New World

As he stepped into this new chapter at Ascent, her son faced the natural challenges of adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings. It was in this moment of vulnerability that his peers, driven by an innate sense of empathy and care, became his unexpected guides. Without any prompt, children from his studio emerged from the studio and greeted him at the entrance, not with loud cheers, but with a shared, silent understanding that surrounded him with kindness. Through their gentle touches and soft words of encouragement, they welcomed him. As a group, they walked back inside the school and began their day. This moment, a perfect microcosm of the deep-rooted empathy and inclusivity that permeates the community, filled Loraine with profound gratitude.

A Community Woven with Authenticity and Respect

“What truly makes our community beautiful,” Loraine reflects, “is the genuine presence of everyone. We are actively involved in each other’s lives and in our children’s lives, without ever stifling individuality or personal growth. We respect everyone’s need for space, while still fostering a deep sense of connection and authenticity.”

These words capture the essence of what makes Ascent distinctive. It’s a space where active participation thrives alongside a profound respect for individual journeys. This delicate balance nurtures an environment where authentic connections can flourish, allowing everyone to feel valued, seen, empowered, and most importantly, embraced for who they truly are.

A Lasting Legacy: Beyond the Studio Walls

Loraine’s story serves as a testament to the transformative power of a nurturing and empathetic community. It’s a powerful reminder that the impact of belonging extends far beyond the studio walls, leaving a lasting legacy on the lives of children and adults alike.