Discovery Year 6. Session 4. Week 5.

In Week 5, Discoverers utilized creativity and collaboration in Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop. 


During Work Cycle, learners reflected upon what they hope to achieve in the final days of the Session. The Studio found flow in both Montessori and tech work. Explorers supported in reviewing completed Montessori challenges and providing feedback. At the end of the week, in SMART goal reflection, Discoverers shared triumphant moments of overcoming obstacles and experiences of pride in their work. 


In Quest, Heroes continued to walk along the checkered road, sharpening their notation skills in preparation for the final rounds of the tournament. Learners had the opportunity to play human chess, online chess, and traditional games on a board. This week, many Heroes received awards to place on their shields, honoring effort and improvement in their gameplay. 



Writers in Discovery started their final chess story, the story of the King and Queen!  This Session, the Studio’s focus trait is word choice. Learners kept this in mind while drafting and editing their stories and the stories of Fellow Travelers. As writers approach the end of the creative writing process, they prepare to share their stories aloud with the community.


The Studio has had an epic five weeks of curiosity, learning, and creativity; one more to go!