Discovery Year 6. Session 2. Week 1.

Learners launched Session 2 with energy and excitement. Here’s how the tribe started in Work Cycle, E-Ship Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


Discovery Heroes brought focus and motivation to pursuing their goals in Work Cycle. Learners held meetings with Fellow Travelers who were at a similar point in their badge plan progress. Discoverers shared what they hope to be their first or next badge of the year before making a plan and identifying their first step to earning the badge.


What is a need you see in the world? What is something you love to do? What are your natural gifts and talents? These are the essential questions Discoverers will be asking themselves in E-ship Quest! Throughout the session, learners will become entrepreneurs running their own businesses. In Week 1, Discoverers sailed through the challenges of Motivation Island, including business research, brainstorming and money based board games. 


This week, Discovery learners launched Letters to a Hero! In Session 2’s Writers’ Workshop, Discoverers will be researching a living hero before writing and sending a letter to them. Discovery writers will think carefully about stories from their own Hero’s Journey, ultimately deciding what is relevant to share with the Hero they choose. Discoverers will also work to craft thoughtful and unique questions to ask to get a letter back!