Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 5.

This week, Discoverers focused on finishing Session 1 strong. Learners reflected on their growth as a community since the first days of school and prepared for Exhibition of Learning. 

Exhibition of Learning: Work Cycle 

Heroes welcomed Exhibition guests into the studio to glean insight into Discovery’s Work Cycle. Learners provided friends and family with an opportunity to explore their learning programs and badge plans. Parents leaned in to listen with curiosity as Discoverers shared their greatest challenges, proudest moments, and future goals in Work Cycle. 


Exhibition of Learning: Writers’ Workshop

Discoverers courageously shared final pieces from Session 1 Writers’ Workshop in a poetry-sharing circle at Exhibition. Learners recited haikus, nursery rhymes, and acrostic poetry before opening the floor to guests. Members of the audience received an invitation to write a haiku inspired by Ascent and its community. Brave guests read poems aloud and were met with laughter and warmth from the studio. 


Exhibition of Learning: Contract Signing

Session 1’s Exhibition concluded with a ceremony commemorating the creation and signing of Discovery’s Studio Contract. After a Session of brainstorming, testing, voting, reflecting, and editing, Heroes finalized an excellent contract in Week 5. On Friday, guests gathered to honor Discovery’s hard work and celebrate their commitment to the community. 


We can’t wait to see what’s next in Session 2!