Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 1.

Discovery Heroes leaped into Week 1 with courage and curiosity. Here’s how the tribe set sail for their new adventure.


Discoverers launched the year with a simple yet powerful call to action: get to know your Fellow Travelers and begin to explore the studio. Learners heeded the call with excitement! It wasn’t long before Heroes began brainstorming strategies in the electric fence challenge, leaning into laughter with a game of telestrations, inspiring one another during Socratic discussion, and much more. 


The Studio showcased creativity and cooperation in this year’s lip dub challenge. Learners gathered close to watch excellent examples before diving into a planning and practicing process of their own. Heroes created a rubric by which to measure excellence for their video and reflected on each take as a community. To quote one learner providing feedback to a Fellow Traveler, “You really are getting better each time. It wasn’t great the first take but, I can totally tell you’re improving.” 

The Year 6 journey has only just begun!