Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 6.


Learners reflected on their greatest hope for themselves in Week 6. Throughout the past 7 Sessions, Discoverers have stretched themselves to set goals in their challenge zone and to strive for a standard of excellence in their work. If you walked through the studio this week, you’d hear Fellow Travelers supporting one another with a growth mindset. You could listen to the sound of Squad leaders equipping and empowering their Squad members. Early in the week, you might hear silence as the Studio found flow; later, you’d listen to celebratory cheers at the Badge Ceremony. 



In this week’s Quest, learners grew their curiosity by designing a challenge for a Fellow Traveler. Working in pairs, Heroes found topics that intrigued and excited them. Ideas ranged from video game design to dance to mythical creatures. Learners crafted a 10-minute launch for their partners before diving into the challenge with energy and focus. 


On Wednesday, the Ascent Community came together for Celebration of Heroes. As a campus, learners reflected together on an impactful and transformative year. Each Discovery learner received a carefully determined honor reflecting this year’s wins, failures, challenges, triumphs, and critical moments in their Hero’s Journey. 


This year, Discovery Heroes learned beautiful and, at times, hard truths about working within a community. As we reflect upon Year 5, there was no shortage of magical moments. 

Learners transformed DEAR by leaning in to listen with curiosity and wonder during impromptu read-alouds.

Discovery Heroes transformed ideas into realities at the Children’s Business Fair. 

Socratic Discussions transformed into magical moments with small group meetings in the morning. 

Thank you, Discovery community, for a powerful and hope-filled Year 5. Have a great summer, we’ll see you in September!