Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 5.

The week may have been short, but Discoverers made the most of it! Continue reading to learn about Work Cycle, Quest, and Art in Week 5. 


Learners in Discovery are charging full steam ahead in Work Cycle. Heroes have raised intentionality and focus as they work hard toward goals they hope to achieve by the end of the year. Squad leaders are taking the initiative to challenge and support squad members to use their remaining Work Cycle time effectively. 


Explorers joined Discoverers in Week 5 to lead Film Quest. Working in small teams, learners explored the process of creating a short film from start to finish. The week started with script writing and costume and prop design. This Quest challenged learners to rehearse and memorize their lines, all in preparation for filming day. Once filming concluded, the Studio celebrated their hard work and creativity with a viewing party at a closing group. 


Artists in Discovery continued progress on their art pieces this week. During Socratic Discussion, Heroes learned about an artist who is remaking flip books he first created as a child. The Studio reflected on and discussed the importance of revision and change when pursuing an artistic vision.