Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 4.

This week, Discovery learners participated in powerful Work Cycle launches, practiced creativity in Art, and designed one-of-a-kind 3-D models in Quest.  



The Studio showcased courage and vulnerability in Wednesday’s Work Cycle launch on failure. Heroes reflected on their inner voice and what it says when a failure occurs. In doing so, learners identified the voice of a fixed or victim mindset and brainstormed ideas for transforming thoughts into a growth mindset. Suggestions from Fellow Travelers during Socratic Discussions included, “I just haven’t reached my goal yet,” “I am still practicing my handwriting, and “I’m not the best at math, but I can work hard and improve.”


The Studio explored the animal kingdom in Week 4 of Growing Curiosity Quest. Learners from Explore challenged Discoverers to research an animal that sparked their interest and create a detailed sketch based on their findings. This was in preparation for the final challenge of Animal Quest: molding a clay animal. Discoverers displayed focus and attention to detail as they molded their creations to a standard of excellence.


In Socratic Discussion, Discoverers delved  into the process of watercolor painting. Learners considered the reasons why human beings feel called to paint and draw. To quote one Hero’s response, “Telling stories is a human need and art is a way of telling a story.