Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 2.

In Week 2, Discovery Heroes called upon their creativity, adaptability, and courage. The Studio came together to learn from failure and celebrate successes in Baking Quest, Writers’ Workshop, Art, and Work Cycle. 


Learners continued their forward momentum in Work Cycle to finish the year strong. During Socratic Discussion, Heroes learned about the neuroscience behind practice. Each member of the Studio identified one skill they wanted to improve on, or perhaps even master, before committing to practicing it throughout the Session. Learners also drafted guidelines for excellent work in Discovery and discussed what it looks and feels like to work hard within a community. 


Fellow Travelers from Explore Studio joined Discoverers to lead Baking Quest. Working in small groups, Heroes created recipes. After much brainstorming, collaborating, measuring, and mixing, learners were ready to bake. Each recipe will be bound together to create a Discovery Studio Cookbook. After this week’s Quest, the Studio enjoyed the fruits of their labor with a taste test of all the delicious treats! 


Collaboration between Discovery and Explore continued in Art. Together, learners took a deep dive into the history and culture of beadwork, one area of art the Studio is focusing on this Session. Heroes let their imagination reign throughout their artistic pursuits. 


Learners moved forward in creating their Year in Review books. Week 2 focused on relationships: friends, family, and other connections that made a meaningful impact this school year. Pages included an Ode to a Friend, a Letter to a Future Eagle, and a Haiku about the Studio. 


Have a great weekend!