Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 1.

Discovery Heroes leaped into Session 7 with determination and energy. Learners launched Growing Curiosity Quest, started A Year in Review in Writers’ Workshop, and celebrated with a visit from Tiny Tails! 


Discoverers reflected on Session 6’s 360-degree survey, sharing feedback on the contract line, “I will respect myself and Fellow Travelers and their creations.” Third-year learners and Squad Leaders held meetings to discuss work ethic and strong habits. Heroes also utilized these meetings to describe the example they hope to set during Work Cycle. The Studio as a whole is focusing on setting challenging SMART goals for the final Session of the year. 


This Session, Explorers will join Discovery to lead Growing Curiosity Quest. This week, the Studio kicked it off with Art Quest! Heroes explored artistic concepts in drawing and painting, such as background, foreground, and subject. Learners also discussed color theory and considered the emotions they hoped to convey through their art. After detailed sketching, the Studio landed the week by painting their final pieces together.  


Discoverers continued to cultivate creativity in launching Session 7 Art. Heroes began making and creating a multitude of differing artworks. While some learners started by embroidering handkerchiefs, others made watercolor paintings. Works of art also included clay sculptures and beaded jewelry. 


Writers in Discovery began working on their Year in Review, a personal collection of remembrances and reflections from the school year. Week 1 concentrated on self. Learners reflected on their identity, their hobbies, and their Hero’s Journey. 

The Studio concluded the first week of Session 7 with a visit from Tiny Tails! Learners embraced the unique animal experience with joy and curiosity.